Chapter 5

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Firosa grinned at my words and said, "come along then."

He led the way through the halls, and I followed like a lost duck as I had no clue where we were.

We went down 3 flights of stairs and out one of the side doors. I smiled as I could smell the salt from the ocean just barely.

"What's making you smile Princess?" Firosa asked me, tilting his head slightly to show genuine curiosity.

"The smell of the ocean." I replied honestly.

"Then you'll love where we're going. But it's a long walk, you up for that Princess?"

"I think so, but I might need to sit down if it's really long. I've got shorter legs than you and you're walking kinda fast." I responded with a joking smile.

"My apologies Princess." He said slowing down his pace so I could keep up. "Don't worry about hurting my feelings, if anything is wrong I'll fix it for you Princess."

I blushed and looked down at my feet, pretending I was trying not to trip on a rock. Despite looking down I still managed to trip on a root.

Firosa quickly moves and caught me by the waist before I fell. He smirked as he said, "I'm starting to think you fall on purpose."

"Sorry." I quickly said, I blushed furiously as he still held onto my waist.

"You have no need to apologize Princess, if you want me to hold you just ask." He outrageously flirted. He smirked as my face turned more red then it already was, which is quite the accomplishment as my face was already crimson with blush.

He helped me stand up by myself and smiled at me before saying, "c'mon now. You do want to come don't you?"

"Yes! Why else would I be skipping class and risking my mom yelling at me?" I asked as I'd taken his question literally. I tilted my head in confusion as I wasn't sure why he'd asked, I'd followed him to... I had no clue where I was.

He laughed at my confusion and informed me, "that was a joke Princess. But you are cute when you're confused."

I got distracted by a yellow butterfly flying by. I followed it without thought, it was the first I'd seen this year. It landed on a branch and I walked over to it and held out my hand. I waited for it to climb on my hand and after a minute it did. I grinned at the beauty sitting upon my hand.

I turned around to show Firosa and saw him leaning against a tree and smiling at me. "Look! It's adorable!" I said with excitement.

"It certainly is." He agreed with me, making me smile twice as much as before.

"Can I bring him wherever we're going?" I asked, looking for his approval. After all, it'd be rude to bring an uninvited guest.

"Of course you can Princess." He said with a kind smile.

"Yay!" I giggled as I went back to where Firosa was and let him lead the way.

We were following a dirt trail in a forest, the leaves were just getting their green from the winter back. There wasn't any snow but I pitied the butterfly for there was still frost at night and he might freeze. I decided if he stayed with me I'd take him home.

I followed Firosa mindlessly as I moved my hand as the butterfly moved so it wouldn't fall off. I decided the butterfly's name was Mike. I liked Mike, until the frost goes away he can stay with me and I'll give him lots of flowers! And I've seen people feed butterflies oranges so I'll definitely have to try that. Maybe sugar water too... they kinda like anything sweet.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by Firosa saying, "We're here Princess, you can let the butterfly free here."

"No way! Mike will freeze with the frost tonight!" I said defensively, I didn't want Mike to freeze! He didn't deserve that!

"Did you name the butterfly?" He asked me while looking like he was holding back a laugh.

"Yes. His name is Mike. What's wrong with the name Mike?" I asked tilting my head, as I was genuinely curious what was weird about that. Everyone and everything has a name, that's just life.

He let out the laugh he'd been holding in and said, "you really know how to make me smile Princess. I'm glad you chose to skip class with me, and we've only just arrived!"

I looked around at our surroundings, we were in a glade. It was a semi circle, the circle part was bordered by trees while the other side lead into a small beach. The smell of salt told me it wasn't just a lake, it was the ocean. The grass in the glade reached my knees and there was a tree in the very middle of the glade. The tree looked like a very healthy Buckthorn, it's leaves were growing well despite the cold frost that hit at night.

"It's so pretty!" I said with excitement clear to hear in my voice. The grass slightly swayed with the wind and I beamed at the beauty of it all.

"Come along then Princess. Come sit with me in my favourite spot." He said, leading the way to the tree in the centre of the glade.

I followed him eagerly but was careful not to knock Mike off my hand. Mike seemed happy to just stay with me, maybe he'd come and visit me even after the frost is gone and it's safe to go outside at night without the risk of freezing to death.

When we got to the tree, I smiled as I saw there were pillows and a blanket right under the tree making a great spot to sit and watch the ocean.

He sat down and I followed his actions. I sat about 6 centimetres away from him. I closed my eyes to take in the smell of the ocean but I opened my eyes and turned to Firosa when I heard rustling.

He was opening his small black backpack and from it he pulled out a lunch bag. He opened the lunch bag and produced some cheese, crackers, grapes and nuts.

He smiled at me before offering, "I have more than enough to share, you can eat some too Princess."

"No, it's okay, I ate a sandwich at lunch." I politely declined even though I did really want to try some of that cheese...

"No need to be modest Princess, it'd make me happy if you'd share this meal with me. My mother has always told me a meal is best eaten with others." He informed me with a charming smile.

I instantly wanted to please him so I gave in. "Ok, but only because I don't want your meal to be bad."

He chuckled at my response and observed aloud, "you're quite the selfless one, Princess. I should like to see what you act like when you truly desire something." He said with a grin like a Cheshire Cat.

I tilted my head to the side to convey my confusion at his comment. What did he mean by that? I wondered to myself.

"Don't worry about it Princess, let's eat now." He said with an enchanting grin. I took his word for it and moved to grab a small piece of cheese.

I grabbed the tiny piece and ate it. It was pretty good, I'm not much of a cheese person but this one wasn't terrible. It had been orange and I'd assumed it was cheddar but I don't eat cheese nearly enough to know.

As we ate we talked and got to know each other. I found out he was from a pack just a couple kilometres away from mine and he'd switched schools as a girl was annoying him and wouldn't leave him alone.

I knew that type, there were a couple at this school who flocked around Micah like bees to nectar. They were all annoying and I didn't like them one bit. Trust me when I say it is not easy for me to dislike someone, I might not trust most people but that doesn't mean I don't like them.

We talked for a few hours and then he walked me home because he knew otherwise I'd get lost. I waved bye to him at the door and went inside.

That certainly was an interesting day. I thought to myself as I went to make myself something to eat. My brother and parents were all still at work so I was home alone.

I made some sweet scrambled eggs and ate in the living room in front of the TV. Once I was done I washed and put away my dishes and went back to watching Netflix.

Hello my ducklings! If you can vote, comment and share it'd be greatly appreciated! Have a great day/night.

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