Chapter 9

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My stomach growled at the sight of the food. Micah and Firosa chuckled at my reaction.

I blushed again and Firosa looked at me and said, "why so shy Princess?" With a smirk.

The nickname only caused me to blush more and I tried to hide my face in my hands. I felt Micah shift behind me, I worried I was hurting him so I moved to sit beside him but he put his arms around my waist and said, "I'd appreciate if you stayed still."

I obeyed him and sat still as he'd told me too.

Firosa pushed the plate of food towards me and I eagerly grabbed it. There was a fork already waiting on the plate and I started digging into the food. I was very grateful at that moment Micah knew I was a vegetarian and I didn't have to ask if there was meat in it.

"Woah, woah, woah! Slow down! You're going to choke!" Worried Firosa, as he placed his hand on my wrist.

I let out a whine instinctively, and barely noticed I had. Then I recalled, "wait, I've been asleep since Thursday... and it's Sunday... so that's why I'm so hungry!"

I went back to eating at my fast pace, every couple seconds Firosa would stop me and make sure I was breathing properly and didn't choke.

The food was gone within 5 minutes and I smiled contently. I barely noticed the throb of my leg I was so happy from the food.

I wanted to lay down and go back to sleep but I was afraid that'd be rude. I tried to stifle a yawn but I ended up not being able to and let out the yawn.

Micah and Firosa both seemed to understand my exhaustion and Micah said, "come lay down on the couch. After that fall you need to rest. We're going to take you to the doctor in an hour so get whatever sleep you can."

"I'm good..." I protested, still wanting to be polite and not annoy anyone.

I felt Micah's hand wrap around my waist and pulled me back so I was laying down. Firosa grabbed a blanket and covered Micah and I with it.

I blushed as Micah kept his hand around my waist and looked like he had no intention of moving. Firosa sat down by Micah and I, right over our heads.

I noticed that the couch was really big. It was quite comfortable too. It was a dark blue, I looked around the room to see a TV across the room mounted on the wall. There was a coffee table in front of the couch where Firosa had put my plate that I'd forgotten about. There were a couple books on the coffee table that I really liked, it was modern. It had a dark wood and black metal material and had designs I wanted to trace my hands over on top. The rooms walls were painted white, and artwork popping with colour lined them. To the right there was the entrance to the room, which was an archway that looked simple but modern. On the opposite side of the room was a big window where sunlight came through. The windows were square and lined with the same dark wood as the coffee table, I liked that attention to detail.

My eyes drooped after I'd taken in the room, and I could feel sleep coming for me. As I started to doze off, I could feel Firosa gently playing with my hair while Micah held me closely. This is the best feeling in the world, I thought just before I fell into sleep's grasp.


I woke to an alarm and groaned, I thought I was back home so I tried to get up to turn in off but yelped as I tried to move my leg and was instantly fully awake.

"You alright?" Micah asked from behind my ear, his breath tickling my neck.

"Yeah, tried to move too fast." I said with a sigh, I just felt so helpless.

I looked for Firosa but he'd moved from the couch. I looked to Micah and asked, "where's Firosa?" As I tilted my head.

"He's packing a bag for you, but am I not good enough company for you?" He asked with a hurt look.

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