Chapter 44

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I woke up in the dark, and I realized that it must be night. I shivered at the cold air, noticing that the floor was concrete, which meant that I was in the basement. I processed everything that had happened and I decided, I have to act like I'm in love with him. He was nicer when I tried that earlier, I shouldn't have angered him and talked back like I did. Hmm... maybe he'd believe I hit my head hard and forgot pretty much everything. This'll be hard, I'll need to act like I completely forgot about my past life. But I can make this work.

I waited for Derick to come and grab me but after half an hour I realized he must have gone to sleep. I grimaced as I tried to move, I knew if I didn't get inside soon I was going to freeze to death.

I hesitated for a moment, strategizing my plan for how to wake him without making him angry. I decided, screw it. I'm going to scream. I took a deep breath before letting out a loud screech, starting to sob.

I heard loud, angry stomps come towards the door and down the stairs, pausing when Derick saw me curled up on the floor and sobbing in pain. He signed and picked me up, I didn't stop crying. I was still in pain from my wounds so I didn't have to fake my cries, which made sobbing a whole lot easier.

I panted as I felt myself nearly pass out again, and I whined, "D-Derick it h-hurts."

He paused and carried me upstairs. He put me in his bed and wrapped himself around me. I pretended to like it and snuggled deep into his chest, murmuring, "love you." He was shocked by my words and stayed completely still before cuddling me back.

I hated to admit it, but I was enjoying the warmth from his body compared to the cold of the basement. I still truly hated that monster, but for the next 3 days I had to tell myself whatever was necessary to survive.

It didn't take me long to pass out again. I slipped into the black abyss, not fighting it as it was so much better than the hell my life had become.


When I woke Derick was on his phone, scrolling through social media. I remembered my plan and wrapped my arms around his chest, nestling my head into the crook of his head. He ran his fingers through my hair and then went back to his phone.

I quietly stumbled over my words asking, "wha happen... I rem-remember hitting my head and you picking me up. I know you Derick... know you but don't remember nothin else."

He looked over at me and asked, "what's your name?"

I hesitated for a moment and closed my eyes, pretending to think. I waited a full moment before I told him in an unsure tone to cast doubt, "I think it's Aliah, but my head really hurts."

He smirked at my words and said, "do you remember Firosa and Micah?"

I gave him a confused look, tilting my head and asking, "who's that?"

He smiled and told me, "don't worry. They're really mean so you don't need to remember them. I'm your mate, Derick. You can trust me, with everything. Do you remember my rules?"

I shook my head no and looked at him expectantly, and he informed me, "1. You are only speak when spoken to. 2. Do whatever I say. 3. Never talk back or be rude to me. 4. You will call me Mate or Master. 5. Never try to contact anyone from your old life. 6. Ask me if you can before you do anything. If you fail any of these you will be punished in whatever manner I decide is fair. Do you understand?"

I shook my head yes and tucked my head into his shoulder, closing my eyes and planning to go right back to sleep. He let me without protest, and I was glad as I needed the rest after all my body had been through.

He didn't move for half an hour before he pushed me off and walked to the bathroom. I patiently waited for him and when he came back I snuggled back into his chest, surprising him. He chuckled saying, "you're being very sweet today. What's going on with you?"

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