Chapter 24

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I froze as I felt something hard pressing against my backside and I turned my head to look up at Micah, trying to figure out what it was.

A second later I smelt his arousal in the air and I quickly connected the dots.

I started to blush furiously and I completely stopped moving, my jaw slack in disbelief.

"Now look what you've done... I warned you, did I not?" Micah growled into my ear in a hot, smoky breath.

"Sorry, but I still want pizza!" I protested, once again trying to escape from his hold on me.

He laughed at that and I could still feel his hard dick against my back, but I really just wanted pizza.

I heard Firosa shut the door and come into the living room with the three pizzas. He raised an eyebrow at my situation and asked, "having fun without me Micah?"

"Mhm." Micah answered, breathing on my ear making me squirm more as it tickled.

"I just want my pizza Micah! I'll eat and then we can deal with your... problem." I told him, knowing full well that my face was probably beet red by now.

He sighed jokingly and said, "alas, my efforts have been all for naught! I am forever shunned and bring dishonour upon my family, how terrible!"

"Yeah yeah, now let me eat my damn pizza, or I'll eat your hand. We both know I'm not joking." I told him, starting to get annoyed since I was really hungry.

"Okay okay!" Micah quickly replied and released me from his grasp.

I smiled and opened the pizza boxes, finding mine and grabbing a slice. I happily ate my pizza and Micah shifted so he was right behind me.

I could feel his still hard member pressing against me as he leaned forward and grabbed some of his pizza.

I ignored him and continued to happily munch on my food, moaning happily as I bit into a part with pineapple.

I could feel Micah become more turned on by the noise, but I knew if we were going to have sex again I was definitely going to need energy.

I finished my slice and grabbed a second, putting my hand on Micah's knee to show him that I wasn't ignoring him, just incredibly hungry.

He finished his slice of pizza, and whispered into my ear, "that pizza was good, but you taste better."

I felt my own arousal at his words, and I debated between answering him and eating my delicious pizza.

I blushed and turned my head to look up at him. He grinned down at me kindly and asked, "can I taste your neck?"

I smacked his wrist and said, "let me eat! I'm fricken starving! You can do whatever you want when I'm done, but let me eat my food!"

He sighed sadly and I patted his knee in reassurance that we'd get there in a moment.

He continued to hold me closely to him, but it wasn't like I had any problems with that since I could still eat.

I finished my second slice after a minute and debated grabbing a third. Firosa chimed in, "you can have another if you'd like. I'm quite enjoying this view."

"Hm, I will then." I responded, grabbing a third slice, hearing Micah groan in frustration and lean back away from me.

I giggled at the noise and he growled at me, "you're going to regret that later."

I laughed at his comment, thinking he was joking. When I didn't hear him laugh I realized he was serious and looked to Firosa for help. Firosa only shrugged at me giving me a look saying 'not my problem.'

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