Chapter 12

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I woke to the blare of an alarm that didn't quite sound familiar. I groaned and tried to pull the covers over my head but I realized I was nestled between two boys.

My tired, half awake mind decided that it was fine and I tried to bury my head deeper into the chest I seemed to be clinging too.

The alarm finally stopped and I felt myself slipping into the abyss of sleep again, but one of the boys started to move.

I blearily turned around to see Micah was trying to gently leave the bed without waking me, too late. I thought.

He'd made it to the edge of the bed before noticing me watching him through tired eyes. He gave me a smile that I only frowned at.

"Hey, what's wrong?" He asked worriedly and moved back towards me. He ruffled my hair trying to make me smile which worked, but only for a few seconds.

"I think he's as sad as me to see you go." Answered Firosa for me and I nodded to agree with him. My nod caused him to chuckle and he pulled me closer to him making me let out a squeak of surprise.

"While you two are being very cute, I have to pick up schoolwork so we can do school from home for the rest of the year. It was hard enough convincing the school, I'm not about to be late. Plus I have to get you some of the pills Dr. Mel prescribed for pain." Micah informed me. When I still frowned at him he told me, "I'll be back as soon as I can. Probably only an hour or two, go back to sleep and when you wake up I'll be here."

"Promise?" I asked him, making sure he'd keep to his word. He knew that I took promises very seriously and breaking one was basically betrayal to me.

"I promise, don't worry Aliah." He reassured me, I smiled at him finally and he left the room.

I flipped over to bury my head in Firosa's chest again. I laid still in his arms for about 10 minutes before I looked up at him.

He was staring at me with a smile and I smiled back. He moved his hand so I could play with his rings, knowing what I wanted even before I thought it.

This time he'd given me a different hand then the one with the snake. The rings on his hand were made out of the same silver as before.

On his pinky rested a thin silver band with a triangle pointing upwards. His ring finger didn't have any rings, and I assumed that was because that was the finger he'd eventually put a wedding band on. His middle finger had a snake ring that was similar to his right hand's but it didn't have a tail, just another head. His pointer finger held a vine like ring that had little white crystals framed with silver. His thumb had a simple thick metal band.

I liked the vine ring and spun it around his finger. I was soon lost in playing with it and quickly forgot my surroundings. I moved it up a bit so I could access it more easily and went back to twisting it with a smile.

I switched to playing with the snake, making it twist and turn and smiling when it went the way I wanted.

"You're adorable." Firosa whispered into my ear, breaking me from my trance of playing with his rings. I looked up at him and gave him a confused look, I'd never have described myself as cute not to mention adorable.

He gave me a kiss on the forehead and asked me, "do you want some breakfast?" I nodded yes still blushing from the kiss.

"Okay, I'll go make it and bring it up." He told me to which I pouted. "What? Do you want to come?" He asked looking genuinely confused why I would.

"Yes." I said simply, not wanting to leave his arms. He shrugged and got up.

"I gotta change first, since you wouldn't let me go last night I had to sleep in my jeans. Not that I minded your clinginess." He joked with a teasing smirk.

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