Chapter 34

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Firosa gently shook me awake, and I groaned in response. He whispered in my ear, "your parents are going to be here in 15 minutes, c'mon Aliah you need to be awake if you want to see them."

I nodded tiredly and opened my eyes to see Micah had gotten out of bed and was staring down at me.

I tilted my head, confused about what he was doing when all of a sudden I felt myself being lifted up by Firosa. I whipped my head around to face him as he picked me up bridal style, smiling kindly down at me. I understood why he had done that as Micah started straightening out the blankets and taking away one of the pillows to place at the edge of the bed.

Firosa gently set me back down on the bed again and Micah moved the pillow under my injured leg.

I looked at Micah and said, "thank you," moving my head to look at Firosa to show that I was talking to him too.

Firosa smiled and told me, "no problem, Princess."

I returned the smile at the nickname and playfully shoved his shoulder lightly, making him burst into laughter as he didn't move the slightest. He sat down next to me, and Micah came over from the other side.

We spent the rest of the time we had talking about whatever came to mind, but were interrupted by a knock on the front door and both of the boys phones going off with an alarm saying that someone was at the door.

The boys looked at each other and just stared for a few moments before they both did rock paper scissors. Micah won and Firosa sighed, giving me a kiss on the head before leaving to open the door.

I could faintly hear talking from downstairs and then footsteps on the stairs.

Firosa came in leading my family. I smiled and reached out my arms to give my Mom a hug first, giving my Dad one after. I opened my arms waiting for my older brother to give me a hug too and after a few moments and a lot of grumbling he finally did.

I saw that they were all carrying fabric grocery bags and tilted my head wondering what was in them. I could smell food but my brain was still a bit foggy with sleep so I couldn't figure out what was in them.

My mom could sense my question and told me, "since we can't eat at a table I made food for a picnic, I made you a separate bag with food that doesn't have meat."

I smiled at her and thanked her, feeling the bed shift as they all sat down on the bed. My Dad and brother started unpacking the bags and handing out food to everyone but me while my mom opened a pink bag with flamingos on it that I recognized as mine.

My mom had made sandwiches and cut them into four, 2 for every person. I could tell from the scent mine was egg salad and lettuce while everyone else's was ham, mayo, mustard and lettuce. She'd also made pasta salad, cut watermelon slices as well as some cheese, salami and crackers. My mom organized everything and made sure everyone had the right food before starting to eat her food.

I smiled as I ate my sandwiches, and we all chatted about small things like the food and the weather. I learned that a book shop I used to visit on the weekends had closed down, and that made me quite upset but I kept on a smile for my family.

Once everyone had finished dinner my Mom smiled and told me, "so I know you didn't get to pick your cake, but I got you one that I know you'll love."

I returned the smile as she got up and picked up a bag my dad had placed just out of my sight behind the bed. She took out a beautiful cake with chocolate icing and light brown writing 'Happy Birthday Aliah!' on the top.

My Dad handed me a knife and I started to cut out the first piece, but I was struggling a bit as it wasn't on a flat surface. Micah gently helped me cut it, placing his hand over mine but not moving mine as he knew the cake cutting tradition in our family.

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