Chapter 33

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The past couple days had passed in a sleepy haze, we had done some schoolwork but I mostly just wanted to sleep. Firosa had called Dr. Mel to make sure that I was okay and ask if we should go back to the hospital but she said tiredness was a normal symptom and it would wear off in a few days.

Micah was on his phone next to me, thinking that I was still asleep. I was laying on my back, directly in between the two boys. I looked over to my other side to see Firosa staring at me with a smile.

Firosa was on his side, so I lifted my arms and wrapped myself around him. I could feel his light breath on my neck as he wrapped his arms around me and started to gently rub my back. I hid my head in the crook of his neck, taking in his calming scent, and I could faintly make out the scent of maple sap.

Micah finally noticed that I was awake and he asked, "how'd you sleep Kitten?"

I grunted in response, I wasn't really in a talkative mood. Firosa could sense I wasn't in the best mood and gave me a kiss on the head. I closed my eyes, planning to go right back to sleep, but I was interrupted by Firosa telling me, "hey baby, I know you don't feel great right now but we need to take a bath."

I groaned, my mood darkening further at his words. He gently started to pick me up and I hid myself further into his neck. Micah pulled the blankets off us so Firosa could get out with me still in his arms, and I whined in protest as the cold air touched my skin.

I could hear Micah's footsteps as he went and turned on the water, starting to fill the tub.

I gripped Firosa's neck tightly, trying to stay warm by holding onto him. He chuckled at my actions and I bit his neck harshly to get revenge. He yelped as I did, but I felt no joy from my actions, I was tired and grumpy, unfortunately for him he was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

He carried me into the bathroom, rubbing my back and telling me, "eh, I deserved that. I'm sorry baby, but you need to get clean, remember your family is coming over? We'll have some breakfast after and that'll make you feel better. We can even watch a documentary, any one you want!"

I growled at him, annoyed by his enthusiasm this early in the morning.

Micah commented, "damn, you made him growl. I've only heard that twice, he must be in a really bad mood, our poor baby."

I grunted in response, still annoyed but knowing it wasn't fair to take it out on them, they hadn't done anything wrong.

Firosa sat me down at the edge of the tub, and Micah sat in front of me, completely naked, while Firosa went to take off his clothes and put them in the laundry basket.

Micah turned off the water and unwrapped the fresh bandage on my foot that he had put on just yesterday. Afterwards he helped me take off my shirt and boxers. He got into the tub and Firosa carefully handed me to him. I wrapped myself around Micah, clinging to his neck tightly.

The boys gently washed my hair and I ended up nearly falling asleep again. I started to wake from my half asleep haze when I could feel Micah's arms moving to help wash Firosa's hair.

While he was washing Firosa's hair I started playing with his, feeling one of the gold charms in his hair. I ran my fingers over it, he hadn't put his head in the water so the charm still had that cold metal feeling.

I could hear the water quietly splashing as Firosa rinsed his hair, while he was doing that Micah started gently rubbing my back. I nestled my head into his shoulder, continuing to gently play with his dreads, being careful not to catch my fingers on any flyaways.

Once he was done Firosa started to drain the tub and the boys got out, Micah gently carrying me out. He carried me into the closet and sat down on the bench built into the shelves with me in his lap.

Firosa asked me if I wanted to pick out some clothes for today but I just shook my head no and snuggled into Micah. Firosa grabbed some boxers and loose joggers that I could roll up for my injured foot. He grabbed a t-shirt and a towel, walking over to help me dry off.

Once I was wearing clothes and Firosa had changed, the two boys helped me to gently roll up my pants in a way that wouldn't hurt me.

Firosa sighed and told me that he had to give me my medicine with the needle again and I groaned in response. He left to grab it from the bathroom drawer, and Micah offered me his hand to squeeze when the pain started.

Firosa came in with the needle and I looked away, Micah moving his other hand to cover my eyes. Firosa started to slowly inject the medicine and I squeezed Micah's hand tightly as the pain pricked through my foot.

I let out a sharp breath and Firosa finally finished. I saw him walk away with the small needle, despite it's size it still had a sting. He came back and carried me to the bed while Micah got changed.

I started to crawl into the bed, planning to go under the covers and back to sleep. My plans were halted by Firosa's arms wrapping around my torso, and easily placing me back into his lap.

I gave him a glare and he told me, "you're not supposed to put any pressure on your foot, that means no crawling either."

Micah came up behind me and hugged me, adding in, "he's right Kitten. Just let us carry you next time, we're here to take care of you so stop trying to do everything yourself."

I simply grunted, I didn't feel like talking and explaining once again how I felt like a child, depending on them for everything.

Micah gently picked me up and shifted into the bed, putting me on his lap. I leaned back against him and closed my eyes, completely relaxing my body. I could hear Firosa walking out of the room, presumably to make us breakfast.

I could hear faint noises from downstairs, confirming my guess that Firosa was making us breakfast.

Micah started rubbing my stomach, and I snuggled into his chest, taking in his wonderful scent of freshly cut oranges. He was talking about something, but my brain was too tired and foggy to understand what he was saying.

After a while I could hear Firosa coming up the stairs and I tiredly opened my eyes to see him walk in carrying a tray with pancakes on it. I perked up seeing the food and he came into the bed, placing the tray on my lap.

I didn't waste a second, picking up the fork and stuffing my face, he'd put chocolate chips in them so they were twice as good as normal pancakes. Firosa worriedly tried to make me slow down so I wouldn't choke by putting his hand in the way, but I was starving so I just swatted his hand away.

After I'd eaten four pancakes I turned to Firosa, holding up a piece of pancake on the fork and offering it to him. He smiled and ate it, so I grabbed him another bite and I shared his smile as I ended up feeding him a few pancakes. I turned to do the same to Micah, who was already smiling. I fed him the rest of the pancakes and went back to snuggling into him while Firosa snuggled me from the other side.

Firosa looked at me before saying, "your parents don't come for a few hours, what would you like to do until they're here baby?"

I shrugged, closing my eyes and planning to go back to sleep. I opened my eyes wondering what time it was, and staring directly at Firosa.

He tilted his head and asked, "what would you like Kitten?"

I still wasn't feeling like talking so I used the mental link to ask, time?

He understood my one word question and pulled out his phone to check, but I was distracted from the time when I saw a picture of Micah and I as his screensaver. I studied the picture for a second and I realized it was from when I'd fallen asleep on the couch way before I knew we were mates.

I made a mental note to tell him that was cute later, but for now I just checked the time and my eyes widened as it said that it was already 1 pm.

Micah ran his fingers through my hair and whispered, "go back to sleep, we'll wake you before your parents come."

I closed my eyes at his words, quickly falling asleep in their arms.

Hello my ducklings! This chapter was a little bit shorter, actually struggled with a ton of writers block.

Anygays, don't forget to vote, comment and share!

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