Chapter 26

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I looked around, confused about where I was. I was under a blanket and I could smell Firosa and Micah's scent nearby, but I didn't feel either of them next to me anymore.

I realized I was on the couch still, and the boys had covered me in a blanket. I could hear their voices coming from the home office, as well as a few other voices that I didn't recognize.

I stood up on my good leg, moving the blanket so that it was wrapped around me but I frowned as I started to feel cold.

I leaned my hand against the couch to support my weight, trying to carefully hop towards a bathroom I'd seen earlier.

Unfortunately I was an uncoordinated disaster so I nearly fell but somehow managed to catch myself before I did.

I heard one of the boys swear loudly and his footsteps as he quickly moved to make sure that I was okay.

I smiled awkwardly as Firosa walked in, scanning me for any injuries.

"What happened?" He asked me, worriedly moving so he could support some of my weight and I didn't have to put so much pressure on my foot.

"I was trying to head to the bathroom..." I told him honestly, blushing at the embarrassment of not being able to go to the bathroom without someone's help.

"You shouldn't have tried to go by yourself! Micah or I would've helped you in a heartbeat!" He fussed, picking me up bridal style without warning.

"Sorry... you were talking to someone and I didn't want to bug you." I responded, starting to feel guilty.

"It's okay... but you could have hurt yourself. Please, just tell us next time, you can use the mind link and nobody else will ever know." Firosa told me, walking as he spoke and taking me into the bathroom.

Once I was done my business, Firosa carried me to the sink and set me down on the ledge so I could wash my hands.

Firosa told me, "Micah and I are just having a meeting with some of the accountants and discussing building a new restaurant. You can come and sit on my lap, they won't mind."

I smiled at his words but shook my head, "I don't want to interrupt it... also wouldn't that be a little weird? Having someone sitting on your lap during a serious conversation?"

"Nope. Taking that as yes." He said, wrapping the blanket back around me and picking me up, I yelped in surprise as I hadn't expected him to do that.

I accepted my fate and snuggled into the crook of his neck, hiding behind the blanket so my face wouldn't be visible when we went into the meeting.

I felt Firosa walk into the home office, sitting down with me still in his arms. Micah reached over and ruffled my hair affectionately before continuing his discussion with the accountants, and none of them made a comment about the fact that I was sitting in Firosa's lap, half asleep once again.

They all talked for about half an hour while I wasn't paying attention, mostly zoning out and occasionally moving my hand to play with Firosa's hair. I was light and gentle in my movements so I wouldn't grab his attention and be distracting, but could still do as I pleased with his hair.

They ended the call saying goodbyes and the accountants even wished me a speedy recovery despite the fact I was clearly not paying much attention.

Once they were off the call Micah swivelled his chair to face us better and asked, "so what was that crash earlier?"

Firosa explained what had happened and Micah clicked his tongue in disappointment, saying, "Aliah, you really need to rely on us for your own safety. We promise we'll always help you with anything, say the word and we're there."

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