Chapter 16

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I woke to an alarm blaring annoyingly loud somewhere near by. I groaned and buried my head under the covers and into the body that was gently wrapped around me.

The alarm turned off and I realized I was clinging to Micah, while Firosa held me from the back. I smiled contentedly as I was in the absolute best spot possible and in that half asleep state that's incredibly comfy.

"Come on Princess, your family is visiting today. You need to get changed." Firosa whispered into my ear to which I let out a loud sigh, not wanting to move.

Micah chuckled at my sigh and I moved to flick him on the nose for laughing at me. He only laughed harder as I did, making me laugh with him. I got distracted by the gold pieces in his dreads, that I immediately started to play with.

Micah didn't seem to mind so I continued playing with them as I felt the bed shift and Firosa walked towards the closet. After a couple minutes he came back out holding some clothes.

Micah shifted us so that we were sitting up, despite my loud protests. Firosa moved the blankets to the side and I clung tightly to Micah, not liking the cold air hitting my skin, which I realized was exposed because I was wearing oversized boxers I'd never seen before and one of Micah's shirts. It was different from yesterday's clothing so I assumed that I'd fallen asleep on the couch and they'd helped me change while I was half asleep.

"While I do love you clinging to me and think it's adorable, your family will be here soon so we have to get dressed." Micah told me, and I nodded my head in defeat, I just wanted to sleep.

I moved to stand, and quickly regretted it as I knocked my leg against the floor. I gasped in pain and let out a strained yelp.

Both of them quickly moved to me to make sure I was okay and I felt Firosa wrap his arms around me as Micah rubbed my back soothingly.

"Are you okay baby?" Firosa asked, concern laced within his voice. I nodded into his chest, gritting my teeth as I waited for the pain to leave me.

I relaxed my body as the pain finally subsided and I let out a sigh of relief. "I'm good." I reassured them, feeling them both relax at my words. "Wait... did you call me baby?" I asked Firosa, moving to look up at him.

He smirked and said, "sure did. That okay with you Princess?"

"Yeah, it was cute. I liked it." I answered him honestly, blushing at my confession and going back to leaning my head against his chest.

"You okay to get dressed now? We'll help you." Micah asked, still looking slightly concerned for me.

"Yeah... I still want to sleep though." I chuckled, trying to lighten the mood. It worked as they both laughed at my joke.

Firosa went back to the end of the bed where he'd dropped the clothes he'd been carrying to rush to help me. He set them down beside me and said, "you're tinier than Micah and I, so none will fit perfectly but these were the smallest ones I could find... baby."

I blushed at the nickname, letting a small smile grace my lips at his words. I looked through the clothes and picked a yellow sweater, small black boxers and loose black jogging pants. I didn't bother with the socks, they'd hurt my foot and I hated socks anyways.

"Still hate socks? And here I thought you outgrew that." Micah commented, noticing my ignoring of the socks.

"They're not comfortable and being barefoot is better! Plus you break your foot and try putting a sock over it! I'm certainly not risking it!" I stated defensively, ready for a whole debate on why socks and shoes are uncomfortable.

"Alright alright! Point understood, it's too early for a debate." Micah said, and I relaxed knowing I'd gotten my way.

"Okay, enough talk to socks. Time to get dressed, sometime today if you two are done your childish arguing." Firosa said, moving in front of me to help me with taking off the boxers.

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