Chapter 14

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Smut warning! This doesn't have any importance to the overall plot so you can skip!

I woke to the sound of birds chirping outside and snuggled into the heat source wrapped around me.

Once I was more awake I moved my head to look up to see Micah smiling kindly at me.

"Good morning," I said with a yawn.

"Morning sleepyhead." Firosa whispered into my ear and his breath tickled my neck making me laugh.

I started to close my eyes, planning to go back to sleep when Micah said, "sorry Al, we have stuff to do today. We have to get up."

I groaned in response, not wanting to leave the warmth of the bed.

"Besides, you need to get clean. I'll go start running the water for a bath." Micah told me, starting to get out of the bed.

I turned over and buried my head in Firosa's chest, clinging to him with my arms so he wouldn't leave like Micah had.

"C'mon now Princess, I thought you'd be more excited to have a bath. Do you need us to join you?" Firosa teased with a smirk, making me blush furiously and try to hide further under the covers, into his chest.

Micah popped his head back in the room and chimed in, "we're joining you either way Aliah, you can't be trusted to not get excited and hurt your foot."

"I can too!" I protested, I wasn't upset about them having a bath with me, just upset they didn't trust me.

I popped my head out from the covers to give him a glare, which gave Firosa the opportunity to quickly grab me from behind and put me on his lap. I yelped in surprise, these two are going to give me a heart attack at this rate... I thought.

"That hurts my feelings Princess, you don't want to take a bath with us. How rude." Firosa whispered into my ear.

"I'm not mad about having a bath with you two! I'm mad you don't trust me!" I protested with a pout, causing both of them to laugh. "That's not funny!" I started to protest indignantly.

"C'mon Princess, the water's going to get cold." Firosa said picking me up bridal style, I clung to his neck worried about falling.

He turned to the door I'd seen Micah go in to change yesterday. I looked around to see it was a modern closet made with a dark brown wood. It was a gigantic walk in closet split into three sections. The first was filled with clothes I recognized to be Micah's, the second had clothes that I assumed were Firosa's and the third was empty.

"Why is part empty?" I asked Firosa, barely noticing that I'd even spoken.

"For your clothes." Firosa said simply, adding on, "your family is going to visit in a couple days, they'll bring some clothes. For now you'll wear ours."

"Okay." I shrugged, a little confused but decided to just go with it.

At the end of the closet there was a black archway that I assumed led to the bathroom. We went though it to see a beautiful bathroom, with a giant marble bathtub, big enough to fit 4 people, against the back wall already filled with water. The floor was covered in a black tile that I thought was pretty. The walls had yellow honeycomb tiles with black lines separating the hexagons. In the corner next to the bathtub was a shower encased in glass, with a few shelves with bottles on them. The wall the bathtub faced was made out of glass, and I could see the forest from it. The third wall had a counter with white cabinets and black tile on top, holding two sinks. There was a toothbrush holder and a couple plants on the counter. Once the counter stopped there was a mirror that stretched across the whole wall. There was also a toilet next to the window

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