before we begin

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We begin in the high elf kingdom. Where our young adventurer begins her story. Amethyst is a young elf girl who loves adventure. But her father hates adventure and never wants her to leave. 

One day, Amethyst was walking through the streets of the city. It was the wealthy kingdom. It was filled with rich elves. No one had ever been poor, as long as they were in the kingdom. 

Amethyst was part of a family of rich noble elves. Her father was one of the men from the council. He worked directly under the high elf king. Her mother was ill, always sitting in her bed. Amethyst was the eldest child, she was the only daughter and was very smart. Her brother was the younger one. He was spoiled. He got everything he wanted the first time he asked.

Amethyst looked around. Everything was perfect. There was no poverty. The place was heaven. It was boring. There was nothing to do. "I hate this." Amethyst said to herself. The blue sky was clear as the water the people would drink. There was absolutely nothing to do. 

At home, Amethyst was tending to her mother. Her father was at another meeting. She enters her mother's room and she was sat up. "Oh, you're awake."
"I found waking up midday is helping my health. But I also found your secret book."

"Where was it? I've been looking for it."

"In your dad's bag. But why do you want to leave the city and travel?"
"There's nothing here for me to do. Life living here is impossible and boring."

Her mother looked stern. She didn't approve of Amethyst's dream to leave. "It's safe here. I understand your issue but it's what you need."

"Please mum. Dad would never agree and you're my last hope."

"You know it's dangerous. But if you really want to I guess I can help you."

Amethyst smiled. Her mother was amazing. She knew what she needed to grab. A bag, a map, books, food, her water bottle. Her mother even told her where her father kept a sword and a bow and arrow. She was already for her new life. But she needed to leave the kingdom. She had been around the gate before. There wasn't any way to out. 

The kingdom was fully closed off. It was impossible to leave. But Amethyst had to give it a go.

Amethyst headed to where she had seen a blind spot for guards. It was right on the mountain nears by the kingdom. It had no guards and no watch towers. Best place to escape. She could see a small rock climbing ramp, one the kids would play on during the day. It was dug into the wall and was almost the whole wall tall. Amethyst  was tall enough to reach one of the dig ins at the top of the wall. All she had to do was climb. She had always been good at that.

Amethyst's bag was heavy. She had a lot to carry. But she slowly painfully started to climb the tall wall. It was made from polished cobblestone. It was strong and had lasted for over a hundred years.

After an eternity of climbing, Amethyst finally made it to the top of the wall. It was cool. With a thin breeze. She saw rope, which was in perfect condition. She could use that to climb down. But it was too short. But it would do. Tying it tight, keeping her grip. She headed down the wall. When at the bottom, she was free. But she wanted more than freedom.

She descended the the mountain base. Hoping for a thrill. Her map showed a small town of humans near by. She had never been outside the the walls of the high elf kingdom. Humans were something she knew of, but had never seen. She decided to head down to the small town.

By nightfall, Amethyst had reached the town. It was dirty with small boys covered in mud. It was unusual for Amethyst. To see people in torn clothes. She had never seen such a sight. She decided to go to the near by tavern. She entered to a busy crowd. All drinking. It wasn't peaceful. But it was nice. She went to a man behind the counter. "Excuse me? I need a place to stay near by?"
"No, but I own some rooms here. Welcome to my tavern. I'm Owen."

"Amethyst. I'm a new traveler. I'll stay in a room, thank you."

Own smiled. One less vacant room. The next day, Amethyst will start a new adventure.

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