Quest fourteen: dragon egg

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The harsh winds made it hard to scale the mountain. The group were on the verge of giving up. Amethyst was barely holding on to hope. Then Uther tripped. "Ow!" He cried out from the back of the group. They all looked behind to see what Uther tripped on. It looked like a multicoloured rock. "What do you think it is?"
"It's a dragon egg."

Amethyst was holding a book of creatures. She had it open to the page about dragons, in the chapter of eggs and hatchlings. "Looks like its been here for months, by this time, it should hatch any day now. Maybe we should take it, and ensure it survives." Amethyst says as she holds reads the book, looking closer at the page. She lifts the egg up and carries it up the mountain. It It would be a big surprise to see the egg hatch. There was no doubt that Amethyst would fall in love with the small scaly creature. 

Many hours later, Amethyst was still carrying the egg. She seemed to be protective over it. Then it started to crack. It was hatching. One foot. Two. Three. Four. A tail. Once all the shell had been removed, Amethyst was in aw. The baby dragon was green, with big bright eyes. Its little roars could make anyone melt. Everyone agreed that Amethyst should keep the little angel. It saw her as its mother and cradled it in her arms. They continued walking.

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