guest two: two man job

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After Amethyst's brave adventure and the savior of the farmer's daughter, word got around. The tavern was it's usual busy lunchtime. A young woman comes and sits next to Amethyst. "Excuse me, are you the young girl who slayed those man eating goblins?"
"Yes, I am. Is there anything you need?"
"I know its random, but I need you to kill someone."

"My brother. Don't worry about being enough. I've hired someone else as well."

The woman slides a photo and a small bag of gold to Amethyst and leaves. Loos like she had another job to do. Amethyst packs up and heads to the location on the back of the photo.

Amethyst heads off. She received such a large amount of money. This woman was very rich. Who was this woman? The path was quiet and very flat, which meant it was easy to walk. But Amethyst knew she would have to set up camp. But it was day and she had lots of time to walk. The weather changed quickly. The rain started to pour down from the sky like heavy droplets. But it was beautiful. Spider-webs collected the raindrops, making beautiful designs. 

Hours later, the rain stopped and darkness crept in. Amethyst had to set up camp. She collected sticks and leaves. She made a fire. It was small and only kept her warm for a short while. She was about to sleep, but someone jumped out of the bushes. Trying to attack Amethyst avoided every attack thrown at her. "Hold on. Who are you."
"Wait, your not the man a strange woman asked me to kill?"
"No. And she also asked me saying to meet someone to help."

The stranger looked confused for a moment. He lifted his hood to reveal the top of his head. He had dull eyes.Amethyst spoke. "I'm Amethyst, a new traveler. You are?"
"Levi. A trained assassin. This is my last mission before I guit."
"Well then, let's work together. We both here the same job."


The two sit round the fire in the silence. It was an awkward silence. The two ended p falling asleep.

Morning came and Amethyst awake. She was the first one up. She couldn't help but think Levi was a strange character. As he would attack without thinking. But she brushed it off. She needed him after all. Levi woke up, smelling something amazing. "Good morning, I found eggs. I made breakfast."

"Oh. Thank you."

Levi felt awkward. Amethyst had been nice to him. But all he did was try and kill her. "You know, being nice to everyone will get you killed."

"I didn't know that. Thank you."

The two ate and headed off. They had far to go. Levi was ahead, his walk much faster. He was leading the way. Amethyst was looking at the trees ahead of Levi. Her sight was much better and she could see any traps. "Do you know anything about the target?"

"No. Nor do I know the woman. She knew us though."


Levi was right. They knew nothing, just had a face. But they could ask about the man. Amethyst continued to look up. The falling leaves landed in her beautiful hair. It was spring time and the light breeze hit the leaves. Making them dance in the air. But something was different. The smell of lavender hit Amethyst. "Look out. There's tranquilizer darts somewhere." Amethyst yelled. But Levi couldn't dodge them. One hist his neck.

Once the hellfire of darts had stopped, Amethyst looked at Levi. His helpless body slumped face first on the rocky path. Amethyst threw Levi over her shoulder. Carrying him down the path. She had pulled the dart out of Levi's neck. She didn't recognize the seal on the side of it. But the walk was cut short when the house was at the end of the path. Amethyst had to hide. Levi woke up, seeing the house. "Where are we?"
"I believe the target's house."

Levi looked over. It looked very well guarded. "I think this is why the woman hired us both. Security is tight and we may struggle to get in."

"The guards have a route round. We can get through once they go on route."

The two had to wait. Hours go by and the guards go on route. It was on time. They ran to the door. Locked. No windows were reachable. "How is this guy locked inside?"
"Isn't it obvious. He's sleeping. The man is rich and has many guards."

"Oh. No wonder you were hired. But the question is, how do we get inside?"
"The balcony."

Levi pointed and they started to climb. It was low enough that if Levi climbed onto Amethyst, he could reach reach. "Smart. But be careful. Many guards could be here,"

Levi nods and they start climbing. Once Levi was on the balcony, there was silence. No guards were in sight. Levi helped Amethyst up onto the balcony. "No one's here?"

"I can see the target. He's sleeping. We need a knife or something."

Amethyst hands Levi her sword. He slides open the door slowly. Not making a sound. The man's room was made of gold. The bed was king sized, covered in cotton and gold. Levi was clearly envious. But before Levi could stab the target's chest, he woke up. "Guards!"

Levi dropped the sword, covering the man's mouth. Amethyst watched as Levi twisted the man's neck. "Dot it. Stab this guy." Levi said. Amethyst  looked at her sword and then Levi. The man had a decorative hair pin. It had a sharp edge. Amethyst grabbed it, watching the target's long hair full down. She aimed. And struck. Right in the neck. The deed was done. Levi dropped the body. Watching it slump over. "Nice hit."
"Thanks. I'm keeping the hair pin."

The two exit from the balcony and headed down the path. No one spoke. Amethyst wanted Levi to join her. She would have a friend. "So, what are your plans now?"
"I'm not sure. I'm not officially retired as an assassin."

"Why don't you join me. We are a good match."

"Sure, Let's have more adventures."

The two walk off. Back to Owen's tavern.  

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