Quest twelve: home

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Amethyst was leading again. She knew that her home was at the base of the mountain. Uther was next to her. "Hey, are you okay? You seem distracted."
"Just trying to find a different route. If I don't, we'd be going through my home."

But it was too late, they were at the wall. They had to go in. One of the guards peered over the wall. "Who goes there?"
"Amethyst, daughter of the noble council chairman, Dick Garison."
"Come on over."

The guard threw down a rope for the group to scale the wall with. Once the group was all together, up the top of the wall. Amethyst looked towards the guard. "How's my mother?"
"She's doing great. Your father is a little worried but he's doing alright."
"Amazing. How's my brother?"
"In prison. He committed the first crime after a long thousand years. He's in a cell. He won't be getting out for a good while."

"I can believe that. We just need to pass through. We are going to icy mountain."

"Well, your father wants to see you. Can you do that?"
"Yes, of course."

Amethyst wanted to know how he was doing, but in person. The group headed to the palace. Where her father was currently, she had never been to the palace.  Once inside, the group could see why it was the city of the rich. It was almost sky high. Amethyst was awkward, she knew her father would be furious. But once they reached the throne room, a sight of betrayal was being painted like a picture. There was her father, holding a bloodied sword.  He was standing over the king's dead body. No guards in sight. "Dad?" Said Amethyst, only loud enough for her dad to hear. "Oh, honey, you're back. I'm sorry you had to see this."
Guards! Arrest my father!"

Then, like magic, guards had appeared ready to take him away. Tears flowed down Amethyst's face. "Hey, its okay." Said Uther. Itachi approached the guard. "Is there an hair to the throne?"
"No sir. The King had was unmarried and had no children. Only his niece, but she lives far away."
It was impossible to have a ruler in the state the city was in. Two crimes, both by one family. Then the guard got an idea. "What if Miss Amethyst ruled. She must be a good person."
"I can't. I'm a traveller. I don't want to rule this perfect kingdom."

"Then, who should?"
Before anyone could answer, the wide doors burst open. It was the woman that hired Amethyst and Levi to kill the man. "I'll do it. My uncle is dead and I am not going to let his home turn to chaos."
"Your highness."
"Hello again miss. I'm guessing you know of this man's death."
"Yes. Now, I have a position to enquire."

This woman, who was not queen, sat on  the throne. She fit perfectly. Amethyst and the others all gathered up and left the city. And never looked back.

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