1] Your Highness.

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Taehyung strapped the weapons across his chest, securing the two daggers through the designated sheath and the remaining larger sword angled down his back. Shuffling through the wind he headed towards his next destination. After a few salutes and mumbled greetings to the elders, he stepped in front of the medicinal stand.

Ignoring the hushed words around him, he eyed the item Jin asked for. He was aware of the eyes on his back, the whispers and muffles, he could hear them but couldn’t quite make sense of it. Straightening his back he nodded towards the cotton bag filled with herbs.

“Two bags full,” he requested. The owner nodded, quickly assembling his needs. He flickered his eyes to the pair of middle aged women on his right, more than a couple feet away, hunched over each other. As soon as they locked eyes, silence followed immediately after. Taehyung turned back to the front, a line between his brows.

So the commotion was for him. 

He thought back to anything that could cause such tension in the village. Apart from being adopted into the royal family a couple years back nothing came to mind. But that was old news and Taehyung had visited the village more than twice each week to know that wasn’t the case.

The owner of the stand handed him the bag, his head hung low like he was afraid to look. His hands trembled slightly, but Taehyung assumed it was from the cold. He reached out, and the man flinched at his sudden movement. Before he could question it, the owner bowed down.

“No need for payment, consider it a gift, your highness.” He whispered, and disappeared into the storage cabin behind the stall.

Taehyung stilled for a few seconds, staring down at his hands towards the expensive item he was holding on to. Your highness? Taehyung was far from royalty, he wasn’t pure blood or even connected in any type of way. Sure, he thought his transfer from kingdoms was a gift or a blessing from above, but never did he think he was fit for the royalty title. Nor wish to be in that position. A gust of wind brought him back to the present, he swiftly moved back and mumbled a thanks knowing it was lost in the air between them.

Down into the alleyway was when he finally heard the first clear words of the day. An elderly, who had a harder time hearing than most, was shouting between her and her companion. What were meant to be whispered words were echoing loudly between the narrow walls.

“Poor boy, a brave sacrifice,” she said. Her voice dripped with sadness. “If only we could save him.”

Reluctantly, he ignored her, who was only a few steps behind him. He could hear her companion shush her, but it was to no avail, as she began to speak again.

“His bravery will not be forgotten.”

He halted and swiftly turned around. “Please elaborate.” The older of the two widened her eyes as the other comically shut hers. Taehyung assumed the younger one was her granddaughter. “You mentioned a sacrifice.”

“I’m sorry, your highness, please forgive her boldness or foolery as she is indeed old.”

Again, the same false title was repeated to him. He huffed out an irritated breath. “I am not your highness.”

“Of course, not for now, but we will not be ignorant of your future title.”

Taehyung barked out a laugh. This must be a joke from Jin, did the king not have anything better to do than to annoy him?

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