2]Nothing is what it seems.

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It wasn't the usual sunlight beaming between the curtain that woke Taehyung up from his slumber, no it was the obnoxious sounds of chewing that did. If he had the energy to, if only he was a morning person he would have easily eliminated the brave individual right there and then. But Taehyung was not, in fact it took him an endless amount of self-coaxing for him to rise. The sounds never ceased. It was obvious by now who it was.

"Do you not have your own room?"

"I do," Jimin announced, "and it's prettier than this one."

"Then maybe you should leave and eat in your own confinement."

"Can't," he flipped the empty box of pastries and gently tossed it on the floor, sighing happily, "I've been told to keep an eye out for you."

Taehyung didn't respond, but he did peer out from one eye at him. He shrugged his shoulders at the silent question of why?

"Told we had visitors and it was best to keep you out of the way."

Taehyung sat up straighter, rubbing his eyes as he looked out from his window. He squinted against the bright light and towards the carriages and horses being guided towards the guest stables. He saw Junghoon jump out from one, with his usual warrior outfit and weapons clasped on him. Taehyung clenched his jaw.

That bastard.

Hurriedly, he flew out from his bed and rushed out through the door without thinking much about how he looked, or the lack of material on his body. He would blame it on the hangover later but for now his focus was to get answers. His only target being Junghoon and his still perfectly attached head. With Jimin close by he fled out the castle, down the stairs and into the field at the front. His movements slowed as he heard Jin's confident voice vibrating towards him. He could sense a tone of unease.

"Why are you in my territory Jungkook, I have every right under the law to tear you to shreds." Jin lifted his head over Jungkook's shoulder and greeted Junghoon with a smile. "Hi Junghoonie, you look good."

Junghoon beamed behind his brother and waved. Taehyung scoffed. The audacity for him to be this cheerful after what he had done.

"Jin-hyung!" He greeted him. "It's been so long, I've missed you."

"We saw each other at the Kingdoms gathering a week ago."

"A week too long."

Taehyung finally reached the huddled group, he stood beside Jin and felt him tense at his presence. His eyes were glued on Junghoon, ignoring Jungkook's intimidating gaze in front of him.

"It won't be long before I can roam around freely." Junghoon added, sending a wink to Taehyung.

Taehyung scowled, crossing his arms sending the most threatening glare he could muster back. Ignoring the way Junghoon furrowed his brow and stepped a tiny bit closer. He watched his mouth move but couldn't decipher what it meant.

"Right," Jin finally said and left it at that.

Jungkook shoved his hands in his pockets as he circled around Jin, his focus on the castle behind him. He cornered him like a predator eyeing up his prey. Ready for his first meal. The luxury of the place had his face lit up, his smile wide as he nodded approvingly. "Beautiful place you have here, truly magnificent." His eyes narrowed towards the fountain, and in front of it to the statues of Jin and Namjoon, stood in fighting stances during battle. A battle where they confessed their love, and made a promise to make sure they stayed alive. No matter what. Jungkook laughed and nodded over to it. "Was I there when Namjoon nearly died from blood loss?"

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