4] A celebration for one.

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The ceremony went by agonisingly slowly. Taehyung sat next to Jungkook as their people celebrated; drinks were poured and laughter roared into the wind. But all he could hear was the thumping of his heart as he felt every shift, every glance and every breath from the man next to him. Sweat clung on to his stiff back from the weight of his clothes. Or the burden of them, he wasn’t sure. The red bled into the white, just like blood oozing onto fresh snow. A fitting attire for the Kingdom known to win the winter war, the blood of many blurring into the white.

He drifted his eyes away from the colours that made him uncomfortable and onto someone who currently gave him similar feelings. He watched as Jin sipped from his drink from the opposite side of the crowd, still in the small seating area beyond him. Away from ears reach, so far away he could barely make out his figure amongst the bodies surrounding him. But he was there and he wasn’t moving. The guards that belonged to Jungkook stood on either side of him; he couldn't leave even if he wanted to, couldn’t come close to Taehyung, not if he wanted to start something that involved Jungkook. Taehyung wasn’t ready to hear him out yet. His eyes squinted beyond his ability to try and make out any more faces around him, before Jungkook's voice startled him.

“Go grab me a drink.”

What? Taehyung scowled, his brain to mouth function seemed to cease when it came to Jungkook, as he narrowed his eyes and snapped his head to the left. “What?”

“I want a drink.”

“Go get it yourself.”

Jungkook glanced at him from the side, he leaned closer holding his gaze intensely. He felt the eyes of many on him, his every movement watched at any reaction between them. He smirked. “You’re sitting so far away from me, you might as well act like my servant,” he drawled out. Carefully observing Taehyung's tense shoulders, his clenched fists and his blank expression.

Taehyung followed his gaze and unclenched his hands, placing them on his lap unsurely. “What do you suggest I do?”

He leaned closer abruptly, and Taehyung held his breath as he saw his reflection in his red eyes. Gleaming brightly under the sun. “I want you to come closer and touch me like you own me.”

Taehyung hesitated, he could barely breathe sitting next to him, but he wouldn’t let Jungkook know how nervous he made him feel. So with tentative slow movement he pressed his palm on Jungkook's knee and squeezed once grimacing. Jungkook waited, watched him patiently, but Taehyung didn’t move.

“What was that?” Jungkook face distorted into one with distaste.

“What more do you want-” He was interrupted with strong arms pulling him closer. Jungkook's hand pressed firmly on his lower back guiding him towards his body, Taehyung pressed his hands on his chest to stop him from being pressed into him. The music was lost along with the crowd. Taehyung could only feel Jungkook, and could only see and smell him.

“Straddle my hips, sweetheart,” he whispered.

“Not a chance.” Taehyung snapped, held his stare and refused to look away. “We’re in public, get your hands off me.”

“Would you rather straddle them in private?”

“You would like that, wouldn’t you?” Taehyung shook his head quickly, before Jungkook could agree, he carried on. “Don’t answer that.”

Jungkook tried to stifle his laugh. He let his head fall back, the prominent lump on his throat bobbed as the sounds soon fell from his lips. Not a single care in the world as he sipped on his drink.

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