10] Looks can be deceiving.

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"I'm telling you, he loved so deeply he was ready to sacrifice himself from the beginning," Junghoon let out mindlessly.

"If he loved so deeply then why did he let his pride kill them both," Taehyung counterattacked. Taking another bite from his eggs.

"They were going to die regardless, one wanted to protect his honour."

"So his honour was more important than his most beloved?"

Junghoon paused, thinking. He tilted his head and turned around to face the other.

Jungkook watched them both intensely.

"He was known as the greatest warrior-"

"He was known as a ruthless killer by the end of it, his life was a tragedy-"

"Don't say that, he had to protect his prophecy."

"He knew what would happen when he sent him out there."

Jungkook gripped the glass in his hand like it had sworn at his family. His eyes swivelled between his brother and his husband. His watchful eyes on Junghoon's arm swung over Taehyung's shoulders. To Taehyung's unaffected expression, his behaviour and his body language. Like it was normal, like it was fine that he could do that. That he could touch Taehyung so freely. Jungkook was livid, fire erupted within, but all he did was cross his arms and let his face fall into a blank expression to a conversation he was not part of. He had wanted to interrupt, but the fear of his husband halting his meal outweighed his urge to. Too distracted in the discussion, he was eating more than he usually did, reaching out for a second piece of bread. So Jungkook kept quiet. Watching and admiring, each gulp, each chew, the apples of his cheeks, the small lick of the corner of his mouth. The way he would stop chewing when Junghoon had pointed out something he disagreed with.


Jungkook slowly turned his attention to his brother, who was giving him a questioning look. He nodded his head slightly, a silent gesture for him to continue.

"You should read the book I told you about, I've made Taehyung read it too."


"I don't know why you keep refusing, the writing is one of art, just give it a try and if you," he stopped and widened his eyes. "Wait, you said OKAY???"

"Yes, I'll give it a go." He averted his focus back on Taehyung. "I would also like to read your favourite book."

Taehyung squirmed in his seat. "You won't like what I read, it's not like the books Junghoon reads."

"It doesn't matter, if you enjoy it. Then I will read it."

"They're not stories. They're real life, words from experiences and people that have lived," he insisted, folding and twisting the table cloth. "You don't have to do something because I enjoy it. Interest doesn't work like that."

Jungkook leaned forward. He took in the healthy flush of his cheeks, the roundness of the aftermath of being fed properly. His eyes drifted to his collar bones popping out through his shirt and back to his eyes. "I'm trying to get to know you and since you're not very vocal nor expressive, I'll have to study you instead. Until I paint the full picture with the words you read and say. You'll be the blank canvas and I'll draw on all the small details you give me."

Junghoon let out a low whistle from the side. He excused himself and swiftly disappeared through the doors as Taehyung held Jungkook's eye contact. Once the door clicked shut he spoke.

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