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"If you don't want to workout, why'd you come?" Jack chuckles as Elyssa groans walking toward the gym of the hotel

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"If you don't want to workout, why'd you come?" Jack chuckles as Elyssa groans walking toward the gym of the hotel.
"Becauseeee" she draws out, as she jumps onto his back, "just wanna be with you." He laughs, kissing her cheek as he opens the door and walks into the gym. He lets her down before sitting on a mat to stretch.
"I'm gonna run for a bit before weights." He tells her.
"Ok" she shrugs, not really understanding. She stays on the mat and does some more stretches while he runs.
"Come here" he says as he gets off the treadmill. Elyssa gets up to follow him. He sits down at a bench and bar.
"No" she immediately says, refusing his idea.
"Come onnnnn. Just once?" He pleads. "Here, just watch me do it then you try."
"Jack I can't lift that" she laughs.
"We won't do weight" he lays on his back and bench presses the bar. "Simple" he refers to the action. Elyssa reluctantly takes his place and lays on the bench.
"I really can't lift this." She giggles nervously.
"I'm right here." He stands behind her head, spotting her. She grabs the bar and holds it for a second. Jack laughs to himself before repositioning her hands. She takes a deep breath and lifts the bar.
"Now down to your chest." Jack instructs. Elyssa lowers the bar to her chest and slowly pushes it back up with some encouragement from Jack. "Yes!" He cheers as he helps her rerack the bar. She pops up from the bench.
"I did it!" Elyssa squeals in disbelief.
"Yeah you did!" He smiles, wrapping his arms around her.
"Lemme squat" she requests excitedly. Jack leads her to the squat rack and sets it up for her. She gets the bar on her shoulders, lifting it and positioning her feet. Jack stands behind her. He lets his eyes wander down to her butt covered by her short shorts.
"Eyes up here Hughesy." She laughs, seeing him in the mirror. He laughs as he sets himself up to spot her. She easily squats the weight, reracking it. Jack slaps her butt as she steps away from the weight. He jumps away as she whips around, ready to hit him back.
"Hey! Hey!" He tries to think of something as she follows him around the room.
"Huh? What's that?" She mocks him.
"Fine. Just get it over with" he gives up. She slaps his butt as hard as she can. "What the fuck!" He complains, walking off the pain.
"Don't be such a baby." She teases.
"I did not hit you that hard!" He reasons.
"Yes you did!" She fights with a smile.
"I just gave you a lil good job tap." He explains.
"Right" she sarcastically agrees with him. She sits on a a mat as he finishes his workout.

Elyssa and Jack walk hand in hand down the beach. They find a small area of sand semi covered by a cave like rock formation.
"Will you do a tiktok?" Elyssa asks hopefully.
"No." Jack doesn't hesitate with his answer.
"Pleaseeee? Just watch what I want you to do." Elyssa opens her phone to pull up the video. Jack rests his chin on her shoulder to watch the video.
"No" he says a few seconds in.
"Pleaseeee" Elyssa draws out.
"No" he repeats.
"Why though?" She complains. He shoots her a 'come on' look. "Fine" she huffs.
"I don't want us to be all over social media." He explains to her.
"It's okay" she sympathizes, clarifying that she's not upset. They put their things down on the sand. There weren't that many people around them as Elyssa set out a blanket for them to lay on. She lifts her dress off of her body, revealing the bikini she had on underneath.
"God damn" Jack whistles, making her blush.
"Shut up" she rolls her eyes with a smile. Jack takes off his shirt, tossing at her teasingly. She catches it, tossing it back at him.
"Horrible throw" he teases, picking her up.
"Jack!" She squeals. He walks into the water, going to chest depth.
"Fuck you! It's cold" she complains, wrapping her legs around jacks body. His hands lay on her butt, holding her close to him. He softly kisses her neck.
"I love you" he hums into her skin.
"I love you" she plays with the hair at the base of his neck. His lips migrate to connect with hers. They move in sync as they kiss. The kiss, basically make out, was rather innocent, the couple only wanting to be together. Elyssa loved kissing Jack. She felt comfortable and safe, but also butterflies and tingles. They were in their own little world, so wrapped up in each other that they wouldn't notice anything else.

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(tagged jackhughes)

elyssahughes lay all your love on me

liked by meganjones and 1,639,270 others

meganjones a little Mama Mia moment
trevorzegras Jack took me there for our honeymoon...
^^^quinnhughes stfu
fan please tell me you guys remade the scene
^^^elyssahughes I tried unsuccessfully
ellenhughes so cute!!
lukehughes when in Greece
^^^colecaufield it's when in Rome dude.

A/N: sorry for the slow updates but all the love I have been getting with this series makes me so happy. Finals are kicking my ass like Jack with Aho. I also think Jack Hughth is funny asf.
much love <3

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