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"Hey Lyss, can I see your drink?" Jack casually asks. He's trying to act as sober as possible, trying to understand what Nico told him in passing.
"Baby you don't like vodka cran." Elyssa laughs.
"Maybe he wants to try something new." Megan innocently adds. The loud music blasting through Jacks head, trying to think of a way to get her drink without freaking her out.
"Yeah. And you've had it for so long. Let me get you a new one." He suggests.
"I'm almost done with this one. Thank you though." She brings it up to take a sip.
"Elyssa Claire. Give me the damn drink." His voice more stern. She furrows her eyebrows, not understanding where this is coming from. "Baby just give me the drink. You too Megan." He softens his voice.
"What's up?" Ty enters the conversation after hearing Jacks tone. Jack debates on telling Ty right there, but decides against it.
"They need to get new drinks." Jack tells Ty. Ty gives Jack a questioning look and Jack nods, confirming Ty's assumption.
"Come on megs, let's go get new drinks. Want a mikes?" Ty helps Jack.
"Yes!" Megan falls to Tys distraction.
"I do too!" Elyssa wants what her best friend does. Jack successfully takes the glass from his wife who is following Megan and Ty to the bar.
"I'll be back, I'm going to find Nico." Jack tells Elyssa, kissing the top of her head before turning away.
"Jacky what's going on?" She questions.
"Nothing. Just want to talk to him. You good?" He shakes his head. She nods, confirming she was fine with the rest of the group.

"Hey man!" Nico tries to get the guy's attention.
"What's up?" The guy stops walking. "Hey, you're the captain of the New Jersey Devils!" The guy recognizes. Nico cringes upon being recognized.

J. Hughesy
man can you get a bouncer and come find me and Nico. some guy spiked Elyssas drink
for sure

"And you're Jack Hughes!" The guy smiles as Jack walks up.
"Calm. Deep breath. Don't get physical." Nico whispers to Jack. Jack nods, taking a deep breath before speaking.
"What's up man." Jack smiles. "Hey, I'm just wondering if you maybe dropped something in a drink earlier?" Jack casually asks. The guy looks on his wrist to see that his watch is still there.
"Nope. Everything's still here." He holds up his wrist to show his watch, in a lighthearted manner.
"It really looked like you sprinkled something in a drink?" Nico implies.
"In my wife's drink." Jack adds.
"Are you trying to say that I drugged your wife?" The guy sounds insulted.
"There they are." Bratter leads a bouncer up to Jack and Nico.
"What's going on?" The stranger questions.
"We don't tolerate spiking drinks." The large bouncer says, walking over to the stranger.
"I didn't do anything!" He argues.
"Sir, come with me." The bouncer escorts him out of the club. Jack let's out a breath, relieved things didn't escalate.
"Nico you're great man. Thank you." Jack claps him on the back.
"What the hell happened?" Bratter looks between Jack and Nico.
"That guy spiked Elyssas drink." Nico nods his head in the direction the bouncer took the guy.
"Oh shit. Good catch." Bratter gives props.

"Should we go find them?" Megan asks the table as they sit for a few minutes.
"It's getting close to midnight." Elyssa considers.
"Here they are!" Nicole smiles as she sees Bratter, Jack and Nico approach the table.
"Jacky!" Elyssa stands up, wrapping her arms around his neck. His hands find her waist, resting there.
"Hi." He says softly to her, a smile growing on his face.
"Come sit." She pulls him into the booth. They both sit, Elyssa leaning back into Jacks chest. She holds his hand in hers, resting it on her stomach.
"Baby you're shaking." She tilts her chin up to say to him quietly. He just looks at her, not saying anything. "Are you okay?" She turns more in her seat to face him.
"Yeah I'm fine." He nods.
"Jack what's going on?" She doesn't believe him.
"Nothing." He says, gently tucking a piece of hair behind her ear. She gives him a look of disbelief.
"I'll tell you later." Jack dismisses.
"It's 11:57!" Ryleigh tells the group. They all go to the dance floor, following the lead of other people in the club.
"1 minute!" Elyssa squeals, standing in a circle with her friends. Jack grabs her hand, pulling her to face him. Elyssa giggles, drunkenly admiring her husband.
"I love you." Jack gently grabs Elyssas chin.
Jack leans down, pressing his lips to hers. Elyssas hands find the hair at the nape of his neck, softly tugging it. Jack hums onto her lips, making her smile. As they pull away, Elyssa cups his face in her hand, rubbing his cheek with her thumb.
"I love you." She smiles. Jacks chest flutters as he stares at her. "Come on baby let's dance!" Elyssa cheers, pulling Jack out of his stare.
The group is out until 2 a.m. dancing and having fun.

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elyssahughes go hard or go home 🪩

liked by meganjones and 1,628,701 others

meganjones sparkles are the only option
jackhughes I'm obsessed with you
^^^elyssahughes blushin, kickin my feet
trevorzegras party like it's new years eve
^^^meganjones trust, we did
tysmith you did both
^^^lukehughes that's actually funny
^^^nhlfan I want to know what this means
fan what's it like to live my dream
colecaufield summer>>>
fan2 so she's not pregnant
^^^fan3 tf?
natalie I miss you gorgeous

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