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tmz Elyssa Cooper Hughes left in the middle of Gucci's Paris Fashion Week press conference

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tmz Elyssa Cooper Hughes left in the middle of Gucci's Paris Fashion Week press conference.
A question about the 24 year old models late father was too personal for Cooper, sparking her to get up and leave in the middle of the conference. Sources say she didn't even attempt to answer the question before walking out. Critics wonder if she is mentally fit to be the face of Guccis show for this season. No statement has been made from Elyssa or anyone on her team. Will she walk?

liked by 3,107

fan the question was so unprofessional
hater what an attention seeker
nhlfan that shit was crossing the line
hater1 she couldn't handle not being the prettiest girl in the room
^^^hater2 so real. privileged white girl can't take the heat
nicolee 100% the reporter is in the wrong. really unprofessional and disrespectful.
^^^fan1 love this

"God, tmz posted about it." Elyssa checks her phone while still in bed. She drops her phone rolling to lay on her back, staring up at the ceiling. She takes a few deep breaths, trying not to overthink the situation. Her phone ringing forces her to come back to the real world.
"Have you been on your phone?" Lauren's voice comes through the speaker.
"Yep." Elyssa sounds defeated.
"Damn," Lauren kind of laughs, trying to lighten the mood, "I was hoping you didn't."
"People really don't have anything better to write about?" Elyssa sighs heavily.
"Apparently not. But tonight you can shut them up." Lauren encourages. Elyssa hums in response. "A car will be there at noon to go to the venue. Don't forget the show starts at 8." Lauren reminds.
"Yep." Elyssa sounds disinterested.
"Lyss, it'll be okay. If it'll make you feel better, you can tweet about it. But please let me see it before you post it?" Lauren offers.
"It's scary that you know me like that." Elyssa kind of laughs, feeling better after being offered a solution.
"I'll let you go. Just relax for a bit." Lauren says kindly.
"Thank you." Elyssa says genuinely.

elyssahughes tweeted: last night I was asked a very inappropriate and unprofessional question that, I believe, crossed boundaries. I understand that I have chosen to give up some parts to the public of my life for my career, but I still deserve some levels of privacy and professionalism.
with that, I'm very excited to be a part of Paris Fashion Week.
comments were turned off my author

"I'm so glad you came." Nicole smiles as Elyssa sits at her station.
"Did you think I wasn't going to?" Elyssa worries.
"There was talk. But it doesn't matter." Nicole shrugs. Elyssa shrugs it off, preparing herself for the long process of getting ready.
Elyssa grows nervous as she stands at the entry to the runway. She's leading the show for the first time.
"I don't know this'll help," Nicole places a hand on Elyssas shoulder, "but you're not alone. We're all with you." She says genuinely. Surprisingly, this small gesture eases Elyssas nerves. She takes a deep breath as she hears the music begin, queuing her start. She lifts her chin and forces her shoulders down as she steps out. The next thing she knows, she's backstage again, being congratulated.
The next morning elyssa wakes up to find out that the devils are 3-2, meaning they will play at home on June 4. She rolls out of bed feeling better than the day before.

Leaving at 7 for the venue!
Good morning to you too

The other show Elyssa was walking in us for Victoria Beckham, who she's friends with. But the show starts at noon, meaning an extra early call time for Elyssa. It also meant that she's be able to fly out of Paris and hopefully make it back to New Jersey in time for the devils game.
"Elyssa Cooper Hughes!" Victoria greets.
"Ahhhhh! Vic!" Elyssa cheers. The girls wrap each other in a hug.
"Ok, we're on a tight schedule, but while you're in makeup and hair you can catch me up." Victoria leads Elyssa to her station before being swept away by someone asking a question.
The beauty people prep her for a while before they begin actually getting her ready. Victoria sits between elyssa and another model as elyssa tells her all about Jack and her recent life events.
"You're leaving tomorrow?" Victoria can't believe it. Elyssa laughs at her reaction, "girl that's love right there."
"If everything goes to plan I'll leave at noon tomorrow, and get back home by 6pm Paris time. Which is actually noon eastern standard time." Elyssa explains.
"And then you're going to watch an entire hockey game?" The model next to Elyssa questions.
"Yeah" Elyssa nods.
"But what if they win. You'll be awfully tired for a celebration." Victoria sing songs. Elyssa laughs at the comment, her face growing red.
After the show, Elyssa goes out to dinner with Victoria and few other people involved in her show.

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