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"How'd it go?" Lisa asks the siblings as they enter their childhood home. Elyssa plops on the couch as teddy melts into Lisa for a hug.
"He's dying. Like literally; he has cancer." Elyssa tells her mom.
"Oh" Lisa breathes, holding her son tighter. Elyssa could hear the pain in her moms voice even with the small word she said. Elyssa got up from the couch, walking over the her mom and brother. She wraps her arms around both of them. They all stand there for a few minutes, processing what's happening. Elyssa lets tears fall down her cheeks. She finally feels like she can let go, she doesn't have to put on a brave face with her mom and brother.
"I'm so sorry guys." Lisa pulls away from the group hug. Elyssa gives her a half smile.
"I'm gonna go nap." She heads toward her old bedroom. She lays down in bed, scrolling through her phone, trying to get her mind off of her dad.
Around 10, her phone buzzes in her hand. She debates on answering it. She doesn't feel like explaining everything to Jack right now, but she wants to talk to him. She answers the facetime, immediately feeling better once she sees jacks face.
"Hey baby" he smiles, lifting Elyssas spirit.
"Hey. How'd the game go?" She asks him.
"Good. We won. But I'm pissed that I wasn't on the ice." He admits.
"I know. But you need to rest now so that you don't keep injuring yourself." She sympathizes. He nods, understanding, but not liking, her point.
"How'd it go with your dad?" He asks casually. Elyssa hesitates.
"So, he uh, he told us he has liver cancer." She manages to say, "stage 4."
"Oh," he doesn't know how to react. "How are you? That's why you had a panic attack earlier?"
"Yeah. I just, I don't know what to feel. I've spent the majority of my life hating him. But how can I hate him now that's he actually dying." She rambles. Jacks heart hurts as he listens to her talk.
"I'm coming to Pittsburgh." He says before thinking. He can't stand the fact that he's not there with her.
"Jack," Elyssa says, knowing it's not practical.
"I'll ask our trainer if I'm playing, if not I'm asking Lindy if I can go." He states, more sure of himself.
"You can't just leave your team baby. I'll see you in 2 days anyway." She reasons.
"I hate that you're alone." He sympathizes.
"I'm not alone." She tries to ease his concern.
"You know what I mean. I hate that I'm not there with you." He explains.
"I do too. But nothings gonna happen in the next 2 days." She says lightly.
"Alright." He decides to drop it. "Luke did something so embarrassing tonight," Jack smiles, changing the subject.
"Shut up!" Elyssa hears Luke from afar, making her laugh. Jack smiles as well, happy that he successfully diverted her attention, at least temporarily.

"Are you sure you're going back to jersey tomorrow?" Teddy asks his older sister as they arrive at their grandparents house.
"You wanna come?" She jokingly asks. His face lights up, wanting to go.
"No." Lisa immediately shuts it down.
"I'll see you for Christmas." She reminds him.
"Oh yeah." He remembers, making Elyssa laugh.
"Ahhhh!" They hear as they enter the house. Elyssa smiles as she sees her cousins, Jessie and Sophia, approaching her. She is quick to wrap them in a hug.
"Hey guys." She laughs.
"Oh my god! Let me see!" Sophia squeals, grabbing Elyssas left hand. "Girl I am so upset I couldn't make it to your wedding."
"It's all good. Shit happens." Elyssa brushes it off. Elyssa gets pulled in many more directions, by multiple different family members. It's been a while since she's been home, so she has a lot of things to talk about with quite a few people. Elyssa spends the day focusing on the good and appreciating the people who have always wanted the best for her and have been there through everything.

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elyssahughes thankful ❤️‍🩹

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elyssahughes thankful ❤️‍🩹

liked by jackhughes and 1,704,315 others

jackhughes ❤️❤️
meganjones I love you ♾️
fan picture perfect
fan1 no she literally has the ideal life
trevorzegras much love runway
^^^fan2 the nickname!!!!
quinnhughes happy thanksgiving
colecaufield 10/10 post
lukehughes I'm thankful that you're thankful
^^^teddycooper literally what?
alexturcotte 🫶🏻🫶🏻
nhlfan I would d!e to see the photos of them she has
tysmith you're alright
^^^elyssahughes you too

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