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Elyssa and Taylor sat in the living room of the house, waiting for the guys to get back from the rink. They both scrolled on their phones in silence until they heard tapping on glass.
"Tay, you hear that?" Elyssa turns off her phone, paying close attention to her surroundings. The noise kept going.
"Yeah. What the fuck?" Taylor's phone now off as well. They then heard a crash in the garage.
"What the fuck." Elyssas heart starts to race.
"What do we do? Is someone breaking into the house?" Taylor panics. The back door slams closed, startling the girls from the opposite direction. Taylor follows Elyssa to the kitchen, both girls grabbing knives. The garage door handle jiggles and Elyssa is thankful it's locked. Repeated banging starts against the door, making the girls jump. Elyssa shakes as she holds the knife up, preparing to face an intruder.
"Lyss?" Taylor whispers, both girls facing the garage door.
"They probably took like a hockey stick or something to hit us with." Taylor whispers, knowing that the garage contains the guys hockey gear.
"Shit. How can a small ass knife beat a hockey stick?" Elyssa curses under her breath. Taylor was about to give a shaky answer but she's cut off by the door swinging open. The girls scream, startled by the sudden movement and the anticipation. They're faced with the group of guys, Trevor and Alex in the front, laughing hysterically.
"Oh fuck you guys." Elyssa relaxes once she realizes who it is.
"You guys- you guys were so scared" Trevor says through laughs.
"That's not funny. We thought we were gonna die." Taylor argues.
"Oh come on, it was pretty funny." Turcs tries to convince them.
"Shut up." Elyssa mumbles.
"Let's put the knives away." Cole suggests as the rest of the guys enter the house.
"You guys started it." Trevor defends as he sits at an island stool.
"With swim trunks! Not home invasion." Elyssa smacks the back of his head, making the rest of the group laugh. Trevor opens his mouth to fight back but Jack covers his mouth with his hand. Trevor pouts as the rest of the guys laugh at him.
"Alright, lake?" Quinn changes the subject. The group agrees before going to get ready.

The boat was anchored in a shallow spot on the lake. Elyssa and Taylor sat on the back of the boat talking as the guys swam and messed around. "It's just insane to me that people can be that awful and not think anyth-"
"Lyss!" Jack yells, interrupting her.
She closes her eyes, a little annoyed, "yes?"
"Get in!" He cheers, raising his arms, a drink in one hand. The group of guys all cheer with him, chanting for the girls to get in the water.
"It's cold!" Taylor protests.
"Your feet are literally in the water." Cole points out. Taylor kicks water at him in response. Jack walks over the the boat, holding up his arms for Elyssa. She obliges, moving closer to the edge. Jack lifts her up and gently into the water that reaches to her upper stomach. Jack keeps his hands on her sides as her arms rest on his.
"Godddd, it's cold." She groans through gritted teeth, squeezing jacks forearms. It takes the girls a few minutes to get used to the water before the group forms an unintentional circle while in conversation. Jack stands behind Elyssa, her back leaning into his chest. He looks across the circle as Trevor talks. From his peripheral vision, he notices Elyssas hand on her brows, blocking the sun from her eyes. He removes the hat from his head, carefully placing it on hers. A smile grows on Elyssas face as she looks up at him.
"Thank you" she says softly, barely audible to Jack, let alone the rest of the group. As Elyssa turned back around to rejoin the conversation, her hair tickled jacks skin, grabbing his attention. He gently picks up her hair that fell across her back. He zoned out of what his friends were saying as he twisted and comb his fingers through the ends. Luke is quick to take notice of his brothers actions, elbowing Trevor to bring it to his attention. Trevor and Luke laugh quietly before speaking up.
"Rowdy ya alright?" Trevor laughs.
"Mhm?" Jack looks up from his gaze at the water surface. His friends don't respond but instead just laugh at Jack. He rolls his eyes with a smile as he drops Elyssas hair.
"Can't imagine just laughing to forget the empty feeling of loneliness." Taylor grins.
"Hey! I'm not lonely!" Trevor defends.
"No yeah Tay, his boyfriends just not here." Elyssa goes along with Taylor's joke.
"Why am I always the brunt of your jokes?" Trevor partly jokes.
"You're just easy to make fun of." Elyssa shrugs sarcastically.
"You know what runway, -" Trevor stops when he looks at Jack who's waiting for what Trevor's going to say next. "I'll think of something good. Gimme a minute." Trevor let's off, making the group laugh at him.

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