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"What do you wanna do for your birthday?" Megan asks as she and Elyssa lounge in Megan's living room. It's a Sunday and they've been hanging out all weekend.
"Uhhh. Something small. I don't really want to go out or anything." Elyssa says softly.
"How about we do a friend dinner? Like a cute little tame dinner party?" Megan suggests.
"Yeah that'd be fun." Elyssa turns her attention back to the movie that was on the tv in her old apartment. Megan takes out her phone.

Hey so I'm thinking about Elyssas birthday. She said she just wants something small. I was thinking just like a dinner party.
What does that have to do with me?
Megan was
It's Luke's birthday too. Could you invite his friends on the team? Or get Jack to do it?
Fine. Only bc you asked nicely
Yay! Thank you ❤️

A week has past of Megan trying to plan a tame dinner party.
Elyssa wakes up to jacks lips on her bare shoulder.
"Mhm" she sighs, turning in his grip to face him.
"Happy birthday baby" Jack hums with a smile, kissing her nose lightly.
"Thank you." Elyssas lips pull up into a smile. She snuggles her face into his neck. He holds her body tighter to his. He presses a few kisses below her ear, prompting her to wake up.
"No" she argues, not wanting to get up.
"Come onnnn," Jack draws out, "I wanna make you breakfast."
"Oh well in that case... no." She giggles.
"I wanna make you breakfast and then give you your first present." He hums lowly into her ear.
"My first?" Elyssa teases with a grin.
"Oh yeah." Jack scoffs with a laugh.
"I prefer my presents before breakfast." She states matter of factly.
"Hmm, well then." Jack mumbles, climbing on top of Elyssa. His lips meet with hers, kissing her deeply and affectionately. She hums, running her hands through his hair that is longer than normal. She likes it longer, she likes to play with it. He makes his way slowly down her neck, sucking and nipping at her soft skin. Her nails lightly drag down his back.
"Jack," she breathes out quietly.
"Tell me what you need baby." He hums against her skin. She takes a few seconds to answer, trying to rediscover her breath.
"You" she whines as jacks kisses migrate lower on her body.

Elyssa is in bliss as jacks fingers rub her scalp with shampoo. She closes her eyes and leans back into his chest. Her phone ringing plucks her from the bubble she and Jack were in. She looks a few feet away to her phone on the counter, seeing that Megan is calling her. She decides to ignore it as Jack begins rinsing her hair. As soon as her phone stops ringing it starts again.
"She's just gonna keep calling." Elyssa groans, reaching out of the shower to answer it. "Hey."
"Whatcha doing?" Megan sing songs.
"In the shower. What's up?" Elyssa tells her through the speaker.
"As long as you aren't having sex." Megan jokes, "I need in to start setting up, but I have a key." Jack scoffs at Megan's lack of care for the couples privacy.
"Are you in our apartment?" Elyssa asks, slightly concerned.
"No," Megan's tone sounding like she's saying 'why would I do that? I'm not crazy'. "I am in the parking lot though. I had the decency to call first."
"Ah" Elyssa goes along with it, shooting Jack an amused face.
"I'll let myself in." Megan ends the call.
"Wha- looks like she's letting herself in." Elyssa returns to the shower.
"We need to have the locks changed." Jack partly jokes as he pulls Elyssa closer to him. She looks up at him with a smile. Her hands rest on his chest as his are around her waist. She leans up, pressing a few quick kisses to his lips before breaking away. Jack huffs once she moves out of his grip.
"We better get moving. I don't want megan in here unsupervised for too long." Elyssa tells her husband.
Soon enough, Luke and Ty show up to Jack and Elyssas apartment. Not long after, their friends pour in as well. Some of Elyssas friends, who are also friends with megan, and some of the New Jersey Devils and their girlfriends/wives who Elyssa has grown to be friends with. They all hangout in the apartment for a few hours before going outside to the apartment complex's outdoor entertainment area. Theres some furniture around a fire pit and some open space in the grass. The group spent the night having fun, making jokes, and telling stories.

I adore dessert - Jack HughesWhere stories live. Discover now