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"Elyssa." She hears Megan enter the bathroom.
"Um hello? Showering!" Elyssa sounds surprised.
"You're leaving me." Megan plops down on the cover of the toilet seat to talk.
"What are you talking about?" Elyssas confused.
"You and Jack are having leaving us?"
Elyssa laughs, "we're just spending the day together. I figured you'd be fine with Taylor."
"I am. I just want to complain." Megan admits jokingly, making Elyssa laugh. "Honestly I think it's cute you guys are making time for each other."
"Oh yeah, you know how busy my summer schedule is." Elyssa jokes.
"Whatever" Megan scoffs, "so, what're you guys gonna do?"
"Uh, I don't actually know. Jack said he has it planned so" Elyssa shrugs. Megan's head snaps toward the bathroom door as it opens. She's faced with Jack.
"Was I not invited to the party?" He sounds confused.
"Your wife was just explaining to me why she's gonna be MIA all day." Megans jokingly standoffish.
"Megan. It's 2pm. All day is dramatic." Jack reasons.
"Alright! Everybody out!" Elyssa declares before Jack can answer Megan. She hears mumbling and shuffling before the bathroom door closes. Elyssa finishes getting ready, meeting Jack downstairs.
"Bye bye birdies!" Trevor teases as Jack leads Elyssa outside. Elyssa flips him off as she closes the door behind them.

"Ok where are we going?" Elyssa says over the soft music playing in the car as Jack drives.
"You'll see" he hums, softly gripping her thigh. She hides a smile, rolling her eyes. After a few minutes, they arrive at a cute ice cream shop.
"I'm getting superman" Elyssa smiles as they walk hand in hand to the counter.
"Like the red, blue, and yellow one?" Jack laughs.
"Yep" she pops the p.
"Okayyy. Whatever you want." He continues to laugh.
They are back in the car on the way to the store. Jack starts slowing down, eventually pulling over on the side of the road.
"What are you doing?" Elyssa sounds concerned. Jack doesn't answer but gets out of the car and walks into the grass. Elyssa watches him out the window. She laughs to herself when she realizes he's picking wildflowers. He returns to the car, opening his door and handing them to her.
"You're too sweet." She giggles, taking the flowers. He leans over, pressing his lips to her.
They go to the store, getting some food for a dinner picnic and a pregnancy test.

"Ok" Jack says as he opens Elyssas door.
"You're ridiculous" she jokes about how Jack made her stay in the car as he set up their picnic. A smile grows on her face as she sees his setup. She begins laughing, jacks confused. "Babe, I'm about to take a pregnancy test, and you brought wine" she points out, still laughing.
"Damn" he sighs, realizing his mistake.
"It's okay, I have water" she giggles, grabbing his hand to try to make him feel better.
"No, no, I can run to the store really quick. You just wait here." He picks up his keys.
"Jack no. It's not worth it. I'm happy with water" she stops him, her heart full because of his efforts.
They eat their dinner before the sun sets. They talked and joked around. They're now playing uno as the sun sets.
"Pick up 2" Jack drops the card.
"Fuck you. No way" Elyssa scoffs, her hand struggling to hold all of her cards.
"Yes way. That's how it works." Jack argues.
"You need to convince me you're not cheating because how come you have all the good cards?" She speculates.
"You watched me shuffle and deal." His tone of voice a bit higher, trying to defend himself.
"Doesn't explain it." She raises her eyebrows.
"Fine. You deal this game" he tosses his cards at her lap. Elyssas jaw drops and her eyebrows furrow, jokingly offended. She throws a small pile of cards at Jack. He does the same.
"Pick up 52 now motherfucker" she laughs. He laughs in response, cleaning up the cards, handing them to her.
"After this game let's get going? It's starting to get dark." Jack suggests. Elyssa nods as she shuffles the cards, Jack watching her with a smile.

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elyssahughes 💌

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elyssahughes 💌

liked by taylorharris and 1,705,010 others

meganjones stop being cute
taylorharris aweeee
jackhughes 💐
trevorzegras jacks from booktok
^^^nhlfan I'm scared
lukehughes off day

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