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Still shopping?
Nope. Deciding what to eat
We're just gonna get dinner here. You guys come?

"Guys want us to go to the country club for dinner." Elyssa tells Taylor as she pulls out of their parking spot.
"Ok, sounds good" Taylor begins the route there.

"Hey guys." Taylor greets the group as the girls get led to the table they were at already. Elyssa sits between Jack and Trevor.
"How shopping?" Jack asks both of them.
"Good. It was fun." Taylor nods.
"Haul when we get back?" Elyssa suggests.
"Fashion show?" Trevor jokes.
"Yeah!" Taylor and Elyssa sound excited.
"I'm gonna judge your fits" Luke states begrudgingly.
"You have absolutely zero sense of style." Elyssa teases.
"Ellen still buys your clothes!" Cole adds to the joke. The group bursts into laughter, causing their table to be the center of attention in the restaurant.
"No!" Luke defends.
"It's alright, you're still a kid." Turcs says sarcastically.
"That's a lot of talk for someone whose girlfriend dresses him." Quinn brings Alex into the teasing.
"Hey!" He huffs. "You're telling me Taylor doesn't tell you what to wear on occasion?" The groups attention turns to the girl sitting next to Quinn. She has a knowing look on her face.
"I think silence is my best option here." Taylor admits with a smirk.
The group continues their light hearted conversation throughout the meal. Once they get back, Elyssa and Taylor force the guys to sit and watch them model their new clothes. Elyssa gives Taylor a few pointers and tips to look more like a professional.

"How was tennis?" Elyssa asks as she rubs her moisturizer into her face.
"Lotta fun. Z and I were the doubles champions." Jack enters the bathroom connected to their room to join Elyssa.
"How's your shoulder feel?" She turns to face him.
"Good" Jack says simply.
"Are you just saying that to shut me up? Or is it actually good?" Elyssa asks further.
"It's actually good." His hands find her upper arms, running down to grab her hands. "I get you want me to be healthy. But I'm a big boy." He pulls her into him to kiss her before moving to brush his teeth.
"I'm taking your word." She says stubbornly. Jack laugh is muffled by the toothpaste. Elyssa makes herself comfortable in bed, racking her brain about how to bring up a baby. She's pulled from her thoughts as Jack turns off the bathroom light, getting into bed.
"Ya alright?" He asks her, noticing her face is that of concern. "You look worried."
"I- uh, I've been thinking," she begins. Jack grows nervous, sitting up to face her. "This is weird, I don't know how to bring it up" she laughs, dismissing jacks negative thoughts. "You still want kids?" She asks.
"Yeah" a smile grows on his face.
"Are you ready? Like soon? I know we don't have a house yet and all that stuff, but..." Elyssa thinks out loud. He cuts her off with his lips on hers.
"Of course. I'll never not be willing to make a baby with you." He grins.
"Jack! It's more than just sex." She laughs, but is serious.
"Babe I know. I've told you before, I want us to make a family. That hasn't changed. I want a little girl who is as stubborn and independent as you are. I want to be more than just a guy who plays hockey and is married to a sexy model. I want to be a dad. And I think you'd be a great mom because you're a great person, and wife, and friend, and sister, and daughter." He gets serious. As he talks, Elyssas smile grows wider. "And I can't lie, I've imagined you with a little baby bump and it's the cutest thing ever." She laughs at his late addition comment.
"Thank you lovey." She cups his cheek in her hand, her gaze full of love. He turns his head slightly to kiss her palm.
"I love you." He says, almost like a reminder.
"I love you more." She smiles.
"I'm not feeding into those argumentative words." He jokingly rolls his eyes, making Elyssa shake her head.

"When are you guys leaving?" Luke asks as he grabs an apple and sits on the couch.
"Right now." Jack tells Luke, "lyss!" He turns to call up the stairs.
"I'm coming!" Elyssa sounds annoyed as she comes downstairs.
"We're gonna be late and Megan is gonna rip me a new one." Jack places a hand on Elyssas lower back, guiding her out the door.
"You think? In front of Ty?" Elyssa laughs as Jack opens her car door.
"Especially in front of Ty." Jack scoffs, closing her door once she gets in.

"Ahhhh!" Both girls squeal as they hug each other.
"I'm so excited you're here! You're gonna love Taylor." Elyssa turns around in the front seat of the car as Jack drives on the highway.
"I'm so excited to meet her!" Megan beams. Jacks phone dings, bringing their attention to that. He hands it to Elyssa, the traffic too heavy for him to look.
"Andddd we need to go to the store." She sighs, reading the text. "Quinn said we need drinks, hotdogs, ground beef, corn and bell peppers for tomorrow." She reads out loud. "I'll text asking what drinks." Jack turns off the highway, going the opposite direction of the house. They park in the store.
"We stay here?" Elyssa suggests.
"Alright." Jack breathes, him and Ty getting out of the car. Elyssa watches them walk into the store before quickly turning around to talk to Megan.
"I told him I want a baby." She says flat out.
"Lyss!" Taylor squeals, "do you think you're pregnant?"
"This conversation happened last night!" Elyssa dismisses. The girls laugh, at the situation, but mostly because they're happy to see each other again.

I adore dessert - Jack HughesWhere stories live. Discover now