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elyssahughes in case you haven't heard

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elyssahughes in case you haven't heard. I'm married

liked by 1,096,723

jackhughes lucky guy
meganjones bbg is all grown up😢
trevorzegras it's me. I didn't hear
colecaufield wait- what?
fan their relationship 🥹
njdevils our favorite Hughes
^^^lukehughes ...is Luke. (I finished the sentence for you)
nhlfan husband Jack>>>
quinnhughes 👍
tysmith so are you guys together or...?
fan1 she really is living the dream

"Jack have you seen my baby blue sun dress. The one with thin straps?" Elyssa calls from their bedroom closet. Jack was in the kitchen making a smoothie after practice.
"Is it in the laundry?" He offers simply, not inserting himself in her way.
"Maybe" she mutters to herself as she makes her way to the laundry room. She was stressed about packing for a brand trip to Aruba. She was going to be on the cover of sports illustrated in a few months. She was thankful Megan also got invited so she wouldn't have to be awkwardly alone with strangers for a few days. "Tada!" Elyssa hums triumphantly after finding her dress in the drier. Jack laughs to himself as she ignores him as she walks through the kitchen and living room to get back to their bedroom. She was locked into packing despite not having to leave for 24 hours. Jack decides not to interrupt her focus, so he stays in the living room as she finishes packing.
Almost two hours pass before Jack assumes that she has to be done.
"Lyss!" He calls from the couch.
"Yeah?" He hears her answer from their bathroom.
"What're you doing?" He gets up to find her. He rounds the corner, seeing her in a small bikini in the bathroom, rubbing her skin with lotion. "What are you doing?" Jack restates his question, taking in his view.
"Self tanning." She says like it's obvious. "I'm glad you're here though. Can you do my back?" She hands him the bottle and turns her back to him. He stops her from turning away from him fully, gently pulling her chin toward him. He presses his lips to hers softly. She melts into the kiss, finally relaxing after hours of stressing about her trip. She turns around, gently moving her hair to one side so Jack has easy access to her back.
"Make sure it's even." Elyssa tells him as she feels him run cold tanning lotion into her skin.
"You nervous?" Jack asks as he focuses on spreading out the tan.
"A little bit. I'm glad Megan's going too. It feels like it's all about me and that's a lot of pressure." She admits to him.
"Nobody is expecting you to be perfect, baby. They want you because you're good at your job. You just gotta do what you do best." He turns on the sink to wash his hands of the tan lotion.
"Yeah I guess." She says, unsure.
"Lyss come on. You're going to kill it." Jack repeats himself.
"I just- I'm going to be gone for a week, then you won't even be here when I get back." She reveals her hesitation.
"Oh yeah. We'll be on the west coast." Jack remembers, "but I'll only be gone a few days." Elyssa nods, ready to move on from the topic.
"You hungry?" She asks as she exits the bathroom, Jack following her.
"Yes." Jack draws out the word, making Elyssa laugh lightly.
"Pasta?" She asks, entering the kitchen. Jack hums in agreement. Elyssa begins preparing to cook, wandering around the kitchen.
"You're really gonna cook in a bikini?" Jack whispers in her ear from behind. Her head falls back onto his shoulder as she laughs.
They spend the night spending quality time with each other.
Early that morning Jack and Elyssa drive over the river to pick up Megan and go to the airport.

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