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A few weeks later, Elyssa, Taylor, and Megan lay out on the dock. Elyssa checks her phone, seeing it's almost 1 in the afternoon. She puts her phone down and closes her eyes, absorbing the sun.
"What time is it?" Megan asks, her eyes still closed.
"Almost 1" Elyssa mumbles.
"The guys should be back?" Taylor wonders.
"Mhm" Megan hums. "They should be out here soon." The girls continue to sit in silence for a few minutes before Megan breaks it.
"So lyss are you pregnant yet?" Megan sits up, facing her best friend.
Taylor lets out a loud laugh at the uncalled for question, sitting up as well. Elyssa raises her eyebrows, wondering if Megan's being serious. Megan nods, letting her know it's a genuine question.
"Not that I know of." Elyssa laughs.
"Well you guys are trying, right?" Taylor asks.
"Ew!" Megan squeals.
"Oh!" Taylor scolds, lighting hitting Megan, "you brought it up!"
Elyssas face grows red, "yes, we're trying."
"I knew it" Megan hums as she lays back down, the other two girls following her action.
"Whatever. You guys are gross." Elyssa laughs, closing her eyes again. The girls fall back into a comfortable silence.
"What the fuck is up gang!?" Trevor startles the girls. Quinn closes his eyes, pinching his brow. Cole, Luke, Ty, Jack, and Alex follow behind, laughing.
"Don't say gang." Taylor shakes her head.
"What's wrong with gang?" Trevor sounds defeated.
"Just... don't" Elyssa stands up. Jack laughs at his wife's comment as he leads them to the boat.

Elyssa lays in bed as she turns to lay on her side. She huffs, not being able to fall asleep. She sits up, noticing a small light coming from the stairway. She gets out of bed, going downstairs.
"There's no way you just made that." She hears Quinn laugh softly. She follows his voice and the light, finding Jack, Quinn and Luke playing pool. She enters silently as Quinn sets up for his turn. Elyssa makes her way to Jack who is sitting in an arm chair
"Hey guys." She mumbles, her voice tired. The brothers each give her different responses. She stands between jacks knees. Jack rests his pool stick against the wall, standing up to wrap his arms around her.
"Hey baby." He whispers into her hair.
"Hey." She says softly. She relaxes in his embrace, closing her eyes.
"Can't sleep?" He rubs a hand up and down her back. She shakes her head no.
"I just wanna sit here and watch for a bit." She hums, sitting where Jack just was.
"Mmk" he mumbles, moving around the table to take his turn. Elyssa watches the brothers play, a relaxing calm in the room. Her blinks are long and tired, their quiet conversations not helping. Elyssas eyes snap open when she feels Jack tap her knee.
"ready for bed?" He lightly laughs at her. She smiles sheepishly, nodding. Their game had ended without her even realizing. He holds out a hand that she grabs, helping herself out of the chair. They all say their goodnights as the couple make their way upstairs. Elyssa is quick to fall into bed, groaning when Jack turns on the attached bathroom light.
"Sorry" he winces, dimming the light. Once he finishes in the bathroom, he makes his way to bed. He gently rubs Elyssas back. "How ya feel?"
"Tired." She hums, turning to face him.
"Should we get a pregnancy test tomorrow?" He asks. She nods, her eyes closed, almost asleep. Jack presses a kiss to her forehead before closing his eyes as well.

I adore dessert - Jack HughesWhere stories live. Discover now