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So Jack doesn't know you're coming?
No. That's what surprise means
You don't have to be mean
It's fun tho
I'm pretty sure they have a day off before they have to go to LA
Great. So you guys play tomorrow night?
@ 7
So me and Megs will fly outa here at 5 am tomorrow. It's about a 10 hr flight so we'll get there at like 4
I'll have to be at the rink by then
All good. We can uber
Ok sounds good

Runway liked the message

"Awe, I'm gonna miss you guys" Megan says as the group of girls sit together in the living room of the house they've been staying at for the past week.
"Yeah but aren't you excited to see your man?" Natalie teases.
"You guys mind if I come with?" Kara jokes.
"Trevor would have a heart attack." Elyssa laughs.
The girls continue to joke as the night grows late and Megan and Elyssa decide to go to bed.

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"Alright. So we don't have to be at the rink until 6." Elyssa tells Megan as they sit on the almost vacant beach. It's early November and the only people on the beach in California during the winter are the tourists.
"So we have like an hour." Megan looks at the time on her phone.
"Want to get food on the way to the rink?" Elyssa suggests. Megan agrees with a nod.

"Hey Z." Jack skates up to Trevor toward the end of warm ups.
"What's up rowdy?" Trevor answers as he leans an elbow against the top of the board.
"What?" Jack questions the grin on Trevor's face. Trevor just shakes his head, his smile growing.
"Come on. Tell me." Jack chuckles, wanting to know what Trevor does.
"You'll see" is all Trevor says.
"You're an ass." Jack teases, annoyed that his friend won't tell him. Trevor dramatically shrugs his shoulders before skating away. Soon, the buzzer goes off, signaling the end of warm ups.

"Ok so we can just stand right here?" Elyssa asks Connie, a team manger for the devils, who is helping Elyssa and Megan surprise Jack and Ty.
"Yep. Then after warm ups they'll walk through and see you guys. But remember to be kinda quick." Connie gently reminds the girls.

Jack follows behind Mercer as the team gets off the ice and goes back to the locker room. He looks up from his feet, hearing a small commotion a couple guys ahead of him. Elyssas smile grows once she sees Jack. He looks up, seeing Elyssa and he stops in his tracks. He quickly takes off his helmet as she moves toward him. Elyssa wraps her arms around him as best as she could with all his gear on. Jack holds her tight.
"Hi." She whispers softly into his neck.
"Hey. What're you doing here?" Jack asks, almost not believing it.
"Figured I'd take a trip to see my favorite hockey player." She shrugs, pretending to be casual. "Hey, go kill it out there Hughes." Elyssa says, letting him know he needed to go join the team. Before he leaves, he quickly leans down and kisses her gently.
"I'm so happy you're here." He whispers, his lips ghosting over hers. Elyssa responds by pecking his lips once more before pushing him toward the locker room. Megan and Elyssa find their seats behind the bench as the game begins.
The game goes by quickly, the devils winning 4-1 over the ducks.

I'll meet you at the hotel?

Lyss liked the message

"Good game baby." Elyssa smiles when she sees Jack walk into the lobby with the rest of the team. Jacks smile is wide as he walks up to her. He is wearing the suit he wore to the rink before the game and he has a beanie on over his wet hair.
"Thank you." Jack mumbles as he engulfs Elyssa in a hug, lifting her feet off the floor. She wraps her arms around his neck, holding him tightly.
"Hughes, separate rooms." Lindy reminds jack as he walks past.
"Yes coach." Jack says, setting Elyssa back on her feet.
"We have a day off tomorrow. So we can do whatever we want then." He tells his wife. Elyssa softly takes jacks face in her hands.
"Ok." She nods, "I'll see you in the morning then."
"Text me your room number?" Jack requests as he begins walking up to his room with Ty. Elyssa gives him a thumbs up.

It was around 7 am when there is a loud banging on Elyssa and Megan's hotel door. Megan groans, seeing that Elyssa isn't waking up to the noise. She gets out of bed to see who it is.
"Good morning." Jack grins once the door is open. Ty stands next to Jack, also with a smile plastered on his face.
"It would be if you didn't bang on our door." Megan groans, making her way back to bed, Ty following her. Jack enters the room, leaping onto Elyssas bed.
"Good morning baby." Jack whispers, laying on top of Elyssa.
"Shhhh. Sleep." She lifts the covers for Jack to crawl under with her. He does, swiftly pulling Elyssa close to his body. He holds her tightly, resting his head in her neck. Elyssa relaxes in his grip, happy that after a long week of being apart she can sleep peacefully.

I adore dessert - Jack HughesWhere stories live. Discover now