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"I'm home!" Jack calls through the apartment, "Lyss?" He calls again, Ty and Luke trailing behind him

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"I'm home!" Jack calls through the apartment, "Lyss?" He calls again, Ty and Luke trailing behind him.
"Megan?" Ty calls, looking for the girls.
"They're in here." Jack says from his and Elyssas bedroom. The guys enter the bedroom, seeing Elyssa and Megan asleep in the bed. Jack rolls his eyes, taking a picture.
"Now the question is, do we wake them?" Ty asks.
"It's 1:30 in the afternoon." Jack laughs.
"I'll go get cold water." Luke grins.
"Then you're cleaning it up." Jack tells his little brother.
"Never mind." Luke nods. Jack walks around the bed to open the curtains.
"Elyssa" Jack says, trying to wake her up.
"Mhm" she groans, rolling over.
"Shhhh" Megan shushes, keeping her eyes closed.
"Guys it's 1:30. Get up" Ty kind of laughs. Megan flips him off as Elyssa sits up, rubbing her eyes. Jack sits down on the side of the bed, resting a hand on Elyssas thigh.
"Good job last night guys." Elyssa tells them, "not you. You got hurt." She says to Jack. He raises his eyebrows at her, thinking she can't be serious. Megan, Ty and Luke laugh at Elyssas comment. Megan then gets out of bed, Ty and Luke also leaving the bedroom.
"I'm fine." Jack says, still hung up on the comment Elyssa made about him getting hurt.
"Obviously not. You can't play." Elyssa responds, worried about him.
"It's just a strain baby. Nothings broken or torn or anything. I just need to rest it." Jack tells her. Elyssa sighs, rubbing her eyes.
"Alright." She breathes, trying not to let her anxiety take over.
"I'm okay." He hums, leaning in to kiss her. She nods after breaking the kiss, cupping his face in her hand. He gently takes her hand, pressing small kisses to her knuckles, making Elyssa giggle.
"Ok. I have to pee." She sighs, getting out of bed. Jack lightly slaps her butt as she walks to the bathroom.
The group spend a few hours just hanging out at Jack and Elyssas apartment before Ty, Megan and Luke leave.
That night, Elyssa scrolls through her phone, cuddled into jacks side as he's watching a football game on the tv.

You're coming to Pitt for thanksgiving right?
Is Jack coming?
No. He has games the day before and after
Well dad called me and said he wants to get lunch with us while you're here
🙄 ok. Do you know why
No idea
Ig we'll find out then
See you in a few days ❤️
Teddy loved a message

"My dad wants to meet with me and teddy while I'm home." Elyssa tells Jack, verbally annoyed.
"Do you know why?" He asks.
"Nope." She shrugs. Jack mutes the tv as commercials come on. There's a few seconds of silence before Jack breaks it.
"Can I ask you something?" He sits up, his tone more serious.
"Oh no." Elyssa laughs, sitting up to look at him, seeing he's not joking.
"You want kids?" He asks quickly, like ripping off a bandaid.
"Yes." Elyssa says like it's obvious, "3."
"When?" He asks, a little more relaxed now.
"Oh geez," she breathes, "I just have to not look pregnant in June so I can walk in Paris."
"Okay," Jack mumbles, more to himself.
"I have one request first though."
"What's that?"
"We get a house. I don't want a baby in a small apartment. I want a house to raise a family in. One where we can make memories. A forever place." She leans up to face him.
"We can make that happen." He hums, connecting their lips.
"Good." She smiles, returning to her spot on the couch. Jack pulls her closer to his body as he turns his attention back to the football game.

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