Chapter 34

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The Greens liked to say all sorts of things about Rhaenyra. That she was cruel, a whore, a bitch, and unworthy of being a Queen. However, if any one of them could have seen how she behaved after the Cargyll twins' deaths then they would eat their words.

Any other strong ruler would have buried her Queensguard honourably for saving her, and tossed his traitorous brother into the sea or fed him to a dragon.

Yet Rhaenyra held Ser Erryk close to her heart, and because of his devotion to her she was allowing him to be buried properly with his twin by his side, despite Ser Arryk's attempt on her life.

Unlike Lucerys's funeral though this one was much more simple and quiet, with only Rhaenyra, Rhaellanne, Rhaenys, Jacaerys, and Baelor in attendance.

Their bodies were being covered in dirt, with the group watching over and each silently saying goodbye to Ser Erryk for all he had done for their family.

"He is the basest of villains. He sullies the grave of his brother." Jacaerys spat, glaring at the corpse of Ser Arryk.

His mother sadly replied "I cannot fault him for keeping his oath."

The young prince hissed, "And what of those who sent him?"

The Greens would have to pay, everybody knew that, and they had to act swiftly and strongly without delay so that everyone could see the Queen's vengeance.

Rhaenyra did not reply, and her son walked away in anger, Baelor following him closely.

With the Princes gone, Rhaenys and Rhaellanne stepped closer to their Queen. "Otto Hightower would never have allowed this. Hotter blood has prevailed, I think." the oldest woman said

"Ser Cole perhaps" said Rhaellanne, as it was the only obvious answer. It would never be Alicent, and Aemond was too vengeful for his brother to trust, so he was the only other person Aegon might have appointed. "The young men have taken the bit in their teeth. They wish to punish, to avenge."

Rhaenys hummed, "Soon they will not even remember what it was that began the war in the first place."

Frowning, the Queen said "That is easy enough. They usurped my throne."

Rhaenys nodded "That is one answer. Or was it when the child was beheaded? Or when Aemond killed Luke? Or when Luke took Aemond's eye? "We teeter now at the point where none of it will matter. And the desire to kill and burn takes hold and reason is forgotten." She was right, this war had been brewing for years and had only become truly violent when Luke died, but the family had been on the edge for decades. "There may be another way." The two younger women frowned in confusion and Rhaenys clarified, "Alicent Hightower."

The Queen scoffed, "When last we met, Alicent said I would make a fine queen. You've seen what has happened since then."

"She came to me in the hours after your lord father's death. She knows war is coming, and that it'll be savage beyond all compare. There is no war so hateful to the gods as a war between kin. And no war so bloody as a war between dragons." she continued "I do not believe she wants it."

"Alicent wants what benefits herself and nothing more" replied Rhaellanne "If war comes to dragons then I will gladly burn every one of them alive, and Cannibal will be more than grateful to devour their dragons as well"

Rhaenys sighed "She sent a raven-"

"-I do not care to read her message." snapped the Queen "What she did..."

"It is not her but the men around her who seek bloodshed." said the older woman

"She permitted it." ground out Rhaellanne.

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