Chapter 43

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While Rhaenyra focused on establishing herself in the Red Keep, Eleana and Vaelon had been circling King's Landing and over to Dragonstone on their dragons to keep an eye out for Vhagar or any of the Greens in case they had the same plan to move while the Blacks were away in King's Landing.

Towards the end of the day Rhaenyra's first small council meeting in the Red Keep was interrupted, by the doors bursting open, and in came Eleana, panting heavily.

Her small eyes were wide with panic, concerning everyone. Ignoring all formalities, the young girl suddenly cried, "Triarchy ships! Vaelon and I were patrolling around Blackwater Bay, and we saw the ships for Pentos in the distance being attacked by Triarchy ships.  They've found Joff, Aegon and Rhaegar's!"

Immediately, Rhaellanne, Rhaenyra, Daemon, and Bennard were panicked. "Where's Vaelon?"

"Fighting them" she explained quickly "He sent me back to tell you. What do we do?!"

Her worry was understandable, and Rhaellanne felt just as terrified. However, before she could answer, Jacaerys got up and exclaimed "I'm going!"

Every head in the room whipped around to him. "Jace, it is too dangerous!"

The young man shook his head and started to walk towards the door. "I don't care! I have to go! I'll take Vermax and deal with them!"

Rhaenyra grit her teeth. "Jace, as your Queen, I forbid you-!"

"-I LOST LUKE!" he suddenly bellowed and the room fell silent. "LUKE DIED AND I WASN'T THERE! I WILL NOT LET JOFFREY OR AEGON OR RHAEGAR DIE LIKE HE DID!"

Everyone felt for the poor boy, whose anger was overwhelming. Rhaenyra felt awful that her son felt so responsible, and she didn't know what to do about it. However, it was clear that he would not be talked out of this.

Thus, bravely, Baelor spoke up. "I'm going too. Jace and I will take Vermax and Silverwing, and will defeat the Triarchy. Then we will send their ship back on its way"

Rhaellanne and Rhaenyra looked at each other. They both knew their sons were at risk, but they also could not stop them. This war was theirs too, and they had to let them fight it, after all, these two were the future of House Targaryen.


Baelor and Jace had reached the Gullet, where the attack was happening as quick as they could. Silverwing and Vermax could seem to understand their riders's panic, and were flying faster than they had ever seen.

They could hear the attack before they even saw it, and it was a terrifying sight to behold.

The ship they knew was carrying Joffrey, Rhaegar, and Aegon, The Gay Abandon, was surrounded on all sides, and splinters of wood, and bits of sail were scattered in the water. The only reason their ship was still floating was because of Vaelon and Grey Ghost doing their best to burn down the ships closest to them

However, even Grey Ghost could not defeat tens of Triarchy war ships on his own, so when young Vaelon caught sight of his brother and cousin arriving, he breathed a large sigh of relief.

Together, Silverwing and Vermax soared over the line of ships closest to The Gay Abandon, and sent flames over them, enveloping the ships in them and rendering them useless

However, the Triarchy still had a lot more ships who were now focusing their fire on the three dragons above, using whatever cannons, spears, and arrows they had, causing the dragons's attacks to be diverted and stopped.

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