28. Weekend Getaway

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Slices of soft golden sunlight are filtering through my blinds, brightening the room in soft dreamy, pastel shades. I feel the gentle heat of Gio's body warming mine under the covers, one of his hands resting softly on my hip.  I can feel his chest rise and fall, his breathing slow—he must still be sound asleep. 

He took me out to dinner yesterday and slept over at my apartment for the fourth night in a row, so much for taking things slow. 

I move slightly in the bed to see if I can ease out and go pee without waking him, but he grunts and pulls me even closer, draping his arm more securely over my waist. Heaven.

This lazy Saturday morning seems so brand new and perfect that I'm happy to lie awake, just enjoying being present in this moment. Before too long, I feel Gio stirring beside me. He lightly hugs me, and I hug him back to let him know I'm awake.

"Morning, Bellissima," he whispers close to my ear, scratching my bare shoulder with his chin and pulling our naked bodies closer together in an affectionate embrace. My brain goes a bit fuzzy with delight.

"Morning, babe," I hum, turning over in bed and resting the side of my face on his chest. I love the way our bodies just seem to mold into each other.

"Hey, can I call you Bella instead of babe from now on?" he asks, gently stroking my hair all the way from my head down my back. "I don't want anyone else to have used my pet name for you."

"Sure. I like Bella..." I blush into his chest—feeling deliciously loved right now.

"Good, it's settled then," he says, kissing to top of my head. "So...it looks like it's gonna be a gorgeous day. Do you have plans?" 

"Not really. You want to do something with me?" I say nonchalantly, trying to bring back my cool composure after the Bella thing. On the inside, though, I'm tingling with the prospect of making weekend plans with him.

"Absolutely," he hums low, and I tip my face to meet his.

"You have any thoughts?"

"Yeah. I do, actually."

"Oh really? What is it?"

"I want to drive you to the beach and spend the day on the coast. How does that sound?" he purrs, drawing a line from my shoulder blade down my back, making goosebumps form and sending out a subtle wave of arousal.

"That sounds perfect.

"If I could get us a place to spend the night... would you spend the night out there with me?"

"What? Of course! Where?! Like a hotel?" I enthuse, suddenly lifting my torso so that my breasts rest on his chest. I can feel my eyes must be dancing with excitement. 

He grins wide. "No... let me make a phone call and see if I can make it happen."

"Great! I'll make us breakfast." 

I abruptly turn, flipping the covers back from the bed, intent to get up and start the day now.

"Not so fast, he growls, pulling me back in, "We're in no rush, and you're already naked, and I need to do something about this." He moves against me so that I feel his morning arousal, and I watch the amber pilot light in the center of his eyes flicker on.

"You just can't get enough, can you?" I tease.

"I've got years away from you I need to catch up on. Now that I can have sex with you any time I want..." he pushes me down and moves his body on top of mine, kissing my neck. "I want to take advantage of it."

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