35 - Oahu

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The warm ocean breeze that floats up and over my body is nothing like the fridged blasts I usually experience on the beach back home. In Oahu today, it's humid and temperate and provides just the slightest kiss of cool relief.

I want to get back in the ocean soon to cool off... but... just one more page. I've just gotten to the good part. It's our third day here, and we are now completely relaxed. This vacation is exactly what we both needed.

Thump. I faintly register the sound of a surfboard being set down just behind me and the pad of feet in the sand getting closer every—

"AHHHH! Get off me!" I scream as Gio lays down on top of me, completely soaked from the ocean.

"Mmm, you're warm," he purrs, not paying attention to my howls and shrieks and making himself comfortable—snaking his forearms under my armpits and resting his head to the side on my back so it's harder for me to knock him off, though, I writhe beneath him.

"You made me all wet!" I huff, even though now that I've gotten over the initial shock, his cool, damp body feels lovely—refreshing even.

"I'm making you wet, huh? I don't know; I think your dirty little book's probably doing a good job of that already," he smirks, and the stubble of his cheek tickles my shoulder.

"Shut up," I laugh, blushing slightly because it's true. I buck him, and this time, he obliges and rolls off onto his towel next to mine.

"I'm starving! Are you ready to go soon?" 

"I wanted to go dip in the ocean one more time, but then I'm ready to go," putting my bookmark back in my novel. "So, how was it?"

"Amazing! It's all coming back. I'd like to surf again tomorrow and check out Turtle Bay. I heard the waves are bigger further out."

"That sounds good to me. What time?"

"I don't know... it depends. I should check the surf report. Probably early morning," he says, languidly rolling onto his back.

"Babe, we're on vacation. Can we not go super early?" 

All I really ever want to do is sleep in and not have to have a real reason to get out of bed in the morning. Is that too much to ask?

"Sleepyhead," he laughs at me, ruffling up my hair.

I tease him back with a pout, knocking his hand away. "I'm going for a quick swim. Wanna come?" 

"Definitely," he murmurs before capturing my lips with his. He kisses me—just the way I like—his tongue caressing mine, deliciously slow and sensually. His hand moves over my hip, letting his finger tug at the side ties of my black bikini before running up and down my waist. "Mmmm, I could stay here all day and kiss you..."

"I thought you were starving?"

"I am..." he replies with a mischievous twinkle in his warm eyes. "So... let's get you in the water and then go find that shrimp truck!" he grins, suddenly scooping me up and carrying me, squealing, out to dunk us both in the waves.



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••• A/N •••

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