34. Stressed

426 65 148


JULY, 2010

Me: I'm still at the office. Going to be home a little late tonight, like 7. I've got a deadline tomorrow morning, and I'm still not done.

Metric: That's ok. I'm actually still wrapping up too 

Metric: Two of my guys didn't show, and we're pouring concrete today

Me: What should we do about dinner?

Metric: Um, how about I pick up some Chinese on the way home?

Me: Perfect. Just order the same as last time. See you in a little bit

Me: Oh, and I got my period today, so you can stop freaking out

Me: I can tell

Metric: Thank fucking god

Metric: Sorry Bella. I shouldn't have said it like that

Me: It's ok. I knew nothing was going to happen anyway 

That doesn't mean I wasn't secretly hoping it somehow would...


Long shadows break through the dry dust my tires are kicking up on our gravel driveway as I pull in at 7:15 pm. I notice right away Gio's truck still isn't there. I get out of the car and slump against it. Today has been exhausting. Ughh. Cheryl can bite my ass. I work my butt off for her, and she hardly even says a meaningful thank you. 

"Ta!"  I mimic her voice out loud, adding an exaggerated eye roll.

Let it go, Ren. Let the day go. 

What I really need to do is quit and start my own company. Gio's business is going gangbusters. Logically I know if I'm going to bust my butt this hard at work, I might as well be doing it for myself, but I can never quite work up the nerve—so I delay it. Soon, soon.

I inhale deeply and close my eyes, and the smell that fills my nostrils is both earthy and sweet, like dry dirt and hay. So indicative of mid-summer here. I let it out loudly through my lips, taking a bit of stress along with it, and tune my ears into the sound of the crickets beginning to talk about their day as the thick haze of evening sets in.

Suddenly, a tickle of cool ocean air flows over my warm, sun-kissed skin. It's picking up just now—rolling in from the coast. It does this every summer night, blowing away the baking oven heat of the day and replacing it with beautiful salt-tinged, moist air. It's one of the best things about living this close to the coast—nature-provided air conditioning.

The distinctive engine sound of Gio's truck coming down the country road breaks me from my reprieve. His white Silverado pulls up next to me, the door pops open, and he stiffly climbs out, holding the tightly tied white plastic bag of food. His hair is all messed up, and he's all white and dusty. His disheveled appearance tells me he must have had quite a day as well. 

Did he get into a fight with a tornado? Sill looks damn sexy, though.

His body is calling to me, and I come up to hug him, but he stops me short with his hand.

"I'm all sweaty and dirty, and I don't want to spoil your nice work clothes," and gives me a quick kiss on the lips instead. Then he steps back, taking a look at me. "You look hot, by the way. Nice skirt."

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