36. Surprise Message

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My eyes open reluctantly to the beautiful dimness of our Hawaiian bedroom. I yawn and stretch. What time is it?  I turn over to put my arm over his body, but I'm just reaching into empty blankets—he's not in bed with me?

"Gio?" My stomach feels slightly ill, or maybe it's a mild hangover from last night.  Suddenly, the door swings open.

"Oh good, you're up," Gio grins, practically bursting into the room shirtless and just in his underwear. "Morning, Bella," he says, laying a soft kiss on my cheek.

He crosses over to the window and pulls back the curtain, and the brilliant light of morning blinds my eyes. I recoil like some kind of vampire... or at least a harshly awakened hamster.

"Errm," I groan, shielding my eyes with my arm as they slowly adjust to the sudden brightness. "What time is it?"


"I thought you wanted to go surfing this morning?"

He jumps back into bed with me and lays on his side to face me, smelling like soap. "Already did." 

 He what?

"You're joking."

"Nope. I woke up and couldn't go back to sleep, so I got up at like five and decided to go out. Glad I didn't wake you."

"But we didn't even get back till like midnight last night!" 

"I know," he shrugs. "But I usually get up at five back home."

"Yeah, but you don't usually stay up till midnight. That's like staying up till... three our time." I narrow my eyes at him.

"Hmm.. didn't think of that. Anyway. I was wide awake and excited to get out there," he beams.

He just can't stop smiling. He's so boyish and cute right now. Damn, his smile is contagious.

"Well, how was it?" a grin slowly creeping over my face, feeding off his delightful energy.

"Fucking amazing," his eyes sparkling. "It's like the best surf I've ever ridden. It's so nice to do it without a wetsuit, too. I can't get over the water temperature here. There are quite a few rocks, so you have to watch out, but plenty of sick, clean breaks. Just a few other guys out there this morning, and they were super chill. They told me to come again tomorrow! I want you to come... well, if you can pry yourself out of bed in the morning," he says, pulling a finger down my chest and peaking under the blankets at my still naked body.

"Damn, Baby, you're so tempting laying naked in this bed."

Oh yeah. We had sex when we got home, too. We've been having sex several times a day recently. Hawaii has gotten Gio all relaxed and even more amorous than before. I hope I can keep up with him. He leans in to kiss my neck, scooping my breast up with one hand.

Suddenly a very delicious savory sweet smell hits my nostrils. "What smells good? Are you making bacon?" I say to distract him from thoughts of more sex.

"Oh, yes! I almost forgot," he says, pulling back.  "I stopped at a local market and got fresh eggs and fruit, too! But I didn't want to start the eggs till I knew you were awake."

"Wow, aren't you industrious this morning?" I say, smiling quizzically at him.

"Yeah, I feel great. I made a few work calls, checking in on the jobs, and everything seems to be running smoothly. This trip was such a good idea, Bella!" He leans over and presses a heartfelt kiss on my lips.

Then, bouncing out of bed, "I'll start the eggs now, scrambled or sunnyside up?"

"Sunnyside," I reply.

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