17. What'cha Gonna Do?

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"I'm glad you convinced me to come out tonight," I hum low in Ren's ear. Gripping her hips, I pull her firmly to me and grind into her, letting her know just how aroused she makes me, and I hear a breathy "Uhh" escape her throat.

"Low" by Flo Rida fades in, and the lights change from blue and green to purple and red. The music is loud, and there are people everywhere, but all I can sense now is me and her. My body instinctively reacts to her subtle movements—I can't get enough, and I just want her closer.

Abruptly, she spins around to face me and puts her hands on my shoulders. She looks up at me, her ocean eyes so open and vulnerable, and my heart leaps into my throat. Dropping my gaze, I swallow the feeling back down and focus on our bodies. Threading my thigh between her legs, my hands that were around her waist now travel down the back of her dress to caress her ass, and then I pull her closer till her inner thigh rubs against me through my jeans. 

Fuck Ren. I'm aching. Having sex with you tonight is all I'm thinking about. Don't stop.

As if she heard me, she suddenly speaks. "Hey, Gio...? I don't want to stop... this, with you... but my coworkers just showed up. I should probably... say hi to them somewhat soon. Do you want to come with me or..."

"Really?" I glance in their direction and clear my throat. "Well, let's finish this song, and then I'll go back with you."

Fuck. Damn it! I kinda forgot she was here with other people. 

Releasing my grip, I move my hands more lightly to her waist, our thighs separating. A slight pout crosses her face, but I need a minute to calm myself down before I walk over to a large group of her girlfriends—some of whom have followed my on-and-off relationship with Ren since I was thirteen. 

"Are these the co-workers who gave me a nickname?" 

"Um, yeah."

The corner of my lip turns up. "You never did get a chance to tell me what it was..."

"Oh, yeah, that sort of... slipped my mind," she admits, biting back a smile. "They'll probably kill me if I tell you right now."

"Can I get it out of you later?" I ask, my eyes darkening.

A pinker hue colors her cheeks, "Maybe..."

I lean close to her ear, my voice husky, "What are you doing after the club tonight?"

"Um..." She swallows. "Sydney is staying at my apartment tonight."

"Oh," my voice laced with disappointment. 

"Another time?" she asks, laying her hands on my chest and looking increasingly deeper into my eyes. She's not stupid. She knows damn well if she can get in there, she can get me to comply. As I look away, her delicious voice comes to my ears like honey, "Take me out again, Gio."

Oh shit. I feel her tightening the hold she has on me with every passing second. My heart is pulsing in my neck, and part of me wants to run. Why is saying yes to this so hard for me?

Fuck it, dude—you know you want to. 

I turn my face to her again and nod. "Okay." Her eyes flicker with excitement at that. 

As the song ends, she steps back from me, and the hot spark fades out as quickly as a flying ember from a campfire. I want to take her hand, but she's already two steps ahead of me. I follow behind her like a dog on a leash, but as I approach, I notice not one person at the table is looking at the birthday girl—everyone has their attention zeroed in on me.

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