16. Find Me In The Club

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"I can't believe you, Rennie! You told him no?!" Sydney exclaims as we get our IDs checked by a bald, burly bouncer at the entrance to the Roxy. 

I have just downloaded the whole story of last night to her on the way over. There are two other nightclubs in this city, but the Roxy is by far the largest and the best. The glass entry doors close behind us, and I can hear the bass pulsing from above as we start to ascend the steep stairway lit with harsh fluorescent lights to the second floor.

"Yeah, but I made him promise me to come dancing tonight," I explain, trudging up the stairs in my heels. 

That night still seems more like it all happened in a fantasy dream than in my reality, and I still feel pangs of regret over it.  I hope I made a smart move and Gio doesn't disappoint me.

She stops me at the top of the stairs. "He's coming? Tonight?!" 

"He said so. I don't know. We'll seeee," I sing, drawing it out nervously. 

The inner me that wanted to sleep with him last night is very pessimistic about him actually coming tonight, and the sick feeling is back, floating around in my stomach. I need a drink!

"Well, he better come. I want to see what he looks like now," Sydney states, giving me eyes.

We stand by the bar, waiting to order drinks, when Kristin and Hannah appear behind us. Hannah is wearing an edgy dress with a consolation of straps at the back, showing off her tattoos, huge hoop earrings, and cowboy boots. She gets to me first and gives me a smooth, enveloping hug.

"Happy Birthday, Darlin'. Drinks on me," she says, giving me a kiss on the cheek and replacing me next to Sydney at the bar.

"Happy Birthday, gorgeous!" Kristin gives me a big squeeze, then steps back to check me out with her husky light blue eyes. "Damn, you look sexy tonight. You'll pick up all the cuties here looking like that!"

Oh! If Kristin says I look good, then that's a great sign! I had been indecisive about choosing an outfit with Sydney, as she usually tries to get me out of my comfort zone. But we picked a strapless mini dress ruched up the sides, making the soft black glittery fabric sparkle, even in the dim lighting.

"You're looking quite hot yourself," I say, looking at her in her tight black satin hot pants and 50s-inspired off-the-shoulder pink top. She's dyed her hair red, and it's all curled and pinned up. So different from how tom-boyish she dressed back in high school.

"Stawp! You're making me blush," she jokes, coquettishly batting her hand.

"You're going to make Quinn jealous. Is she coming out tonight?" Quinn has been Kristin's girlfriend since university, but I've only met her once.

"No, she's staying home, party pooper."

Sydney and Hannah arrive with four tequila shots and some sort of rum concoction in a high ball and pass them out. We toast to my thirtieth birthday and down our shots, sucking on the lime to erase the burn.

"Anything new since we hung out last?" Kristin asks me, unfazed by her shot.

"Oh yeah!"Sydney practically ejaculates with a wide smile. "Gio might be showing up tonight." 

"Whaaat?" Hannah responds soberly, turning to me with startled eyes for confirmation.

"It's a long story," I confirm before sucking down some of my drink.

Kristin grins, raising an eyebrow. "Give us the scoop, Chica."

I open my mouth to respond, but Sydney swiftly interjects, flipping her red hair over her shoulder.

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