15. He's Coming

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Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god. What did I just do? He's coming —he's on his way.

I'm pacing the empty floor that is my living room. Fuck, Ren, you need to get dressed!

I run to the bathroom, blow-dry my hair, and style it into a messy bun because that's all I can muster right now. Then, I throw on some mascara and lip gloss before running to my bedroom. I slide the mirrored closet doors to the side. No, not that side! I fling them to the other side. Jeans, no, no, no. A dress, yes, it's my birthday after all. No, no, no. That's trying too hard. No, no.

I'm rifling through my newly and neatly arranged closet, making the shelves an absolute disaster—a pile of discarded clothes accumulating on the floor.

I need a dress that says I'm a gorgeous 30-year-old that's just chilling at home on her birthday... ummm. What does that even look like?

I'm spending far too long trying to figure out this outfit when I hear a knock at the door. Crap!

"Just a minute!" 

Fuck he's here already! What was that—like ten minutes? I'm still naked in my bathrobe!

I grab some sexy underwear out of my drawer and fight my way into them, then I grab a tight black cotton summer dress and throw it on. It's not December appropriate, but what the hell, it's not fancy, and I know for a fact it looks great on me.

I throw it on and kick the mess into the closet, close the rolling mirror on the closet shut, and then go to answer the door.

Gio's standing there in tight dark jeans and a black Adidas hoodie. I hate to admit it, but I give him elevator eyes, and he looks a little amped up and hot as hell.

My throat is so dry, and my adrenaline has kicked into overdrive. "Hi," I say, lost for more words.

"Hi," he says back similarly, running his hand through the dark curls of his hair. "I didn't bring anything. I'm sorry. I should have got you a bottle of wine or something."

"No, it's a spur-of-the-moment thing," I say, my eyes darting back and forth between his. "I have a bottle of opened champagne, actually, plus you already got me chocolates. Thank you again for those." I end softly, my eyes growing big, finally taking in his fully.

"No problem. Happy birthday," he utters, holding my gaze. His green and gold eyes burn into me, and I feel his heat like flames licking up my body. Fuck.

We are still standing facing each other in the doorframe. The energy between us is electric, just waiting for the spark that will ignite it and explode. We stare at each other one smoldering moment more before I just grab him.

I roughly seize two handfuls of his fucking sexy sweatshirt and yank him to me.

He doesn't try to stop me as I grab his neck and pull up to kiss him hard on his mouth. He kisses me desperately right back, pushing me back against the door till it hits the wall with a bang.

My hands are in his hair, and his are grabbing my ass. He picks me up and moves me in, kicking the door shut with his foot behind us.

Our tongues ruthlessly and lustfully meet and part as we crash into my living room wall. His scent reaches and swirls around me, cloves and citrus, and the unique smell of him I'd know anywhere. I breathe it in, letting his pheromones make me drunk on him.

"You don't have any furniture?" he suddenly realizes, gasping for breath. It's only now that I register that he is still carrying me with my legs wrapped around his hips.

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