29. The Cabin

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"Aw, shit. Sorry girl," rubbing my baby's steering wheel after failing to avoid another large pothole in the road. Then, I turn to the most precious girl in my life now, "I really should've brought my truck. I forgot how terrible the road is up here."

I had taken Ren out to dinner at a restaurant overlooking the mouth of the Russian River, then continued on past Jenner before exiting the Coastal Highway. We have been climbing up into the headlands on a very rough private gravel road for about ten minutes. The gravel has given way to dirt now, and it's pretty slow going. As you can imagine, the clearance on my Corvette is damn slim.

When we arrive at the driveway at the top of a ridge, I have to get out of the car to unclip the chain on a rusted green metal cow gate, swinging it wide into the dry grass. Then we descend again down a small, narrow dirt driveway till we slow to a stop in front of the place we are staying for the night—a rustic grey cedar-clad cabin built by Adam's grandfather in the 1960s.

"Wow, this is amazing up here!" Ren gushes, looking out over the uninterrupted view of the ocean in the distance. The sky is turning hazy shades of pink and purple as the calm of evening sets in.

"It's petty sweet, right? Adam's brought me up here a few times. Here, I'll grab our bags."

It's just as rustic inside as outside, with warm cedar-clad walls and old floorboards. Ren sets her purse down on the large old rectangle wood dining table, looking out the sliding glass doors to the back deck overlooking the ocean. Seizing the opportunity while she's distracted, I hurry up the narrow staircase with our two bags to arrange a few things for later tonight. I do it as quickly as I can, and as I come back downstairs, I can hear Ren banging the cupboard doors in the kitchen.

Snaking my arms around her waist, I kiss her shoulder. "Whatcha looking for?" 

"Wine glasses."

"They're right in here."

Ren snatches one in each hand and pours us two hefty glasses of wine.

"For you," she smiles, handing me a glass.

"Yanoe, I've drunk more alcohol with you this last week than I have all last month," I playfully chide her. "You're a bad influence."

Ren looks taken aback. "What? Me? Really? You used to drink quite a bit... even underage."

It's true. But that was before... well, we'll have to talk about that later.

She looks down at her glass, a crease forming between her brows. "Hmm, a bad influence, huh?"

"A little," I hum, setting my glass on the counter and closing the distance between us again. "I don't mind, though, and I think I can handle you." A grin spreads across my jaw as I grab hold of her sexy hips.

"Oh yeah?" she smiles, taking a provocative sip of her wine.

I remove her glass from her hand, setting it down as I penetrate her glittering eyes with mine, "Yeah."

She unconsciously licks her lower lip, and I bite mine in response. Damn. That's it. On impulse, I pick her up and throw her completely over my shoulder, and she yelps in surprise.

"Ahh! Gio! Put me down!" she shrieks with laughter. "Where are you taking me!"


"But, my wiiiine!" she mock cries, theatrically reaching for it.

I spank her oh so fuckable ass, "I'll get it in a minute, bad girl."

I carry her up the stairs and throw her on the bed with a bounce. The old metal frame squeaks, and I can't help thinking I'm going to make it get even noisier later. I climb on top of her like a predator ready to attack, but her sultry smile just grows wider.

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