27. Sexting

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Leaning back into the lux heated seats in Gio's car, I tuck a strand of hair behind my ear, feeling very contented and emotionally full right now. He smiles over at me, placing his warm hand above my knee, brushing his thumb lightly against the exposed skin at the edge of my skirt. A soft tingle travels along my thigh all the way up my spine to my heart. 

He's driving me to work, and I feel like a silly, love-struck teen all over again, being driven by my boyfriend to school. I should be exhausted after yesterday and staying up so late—but I haven't felt more alive in years.

He's mine again! My heart throbs as it dispels another rush of giddy hormones. I also put my hand on his leg, giving it a squeeze, then letting it rest there. It's a foggy morning, but being with him like this feels like being bathed in warm sunshine.

Yesterday, he finally went out at two pm to get us breakfast burritos and a large box of condoms. And after that, we... well... we pretty much sexed his birthday away—mixing it up between making love, breaks to talk or tease each other, and straight-up fucking. We were better at it than we used to be. I guess we both had broadened our experience with other people, but we still knew what each other liked and even felt comfortable with each other to experiment a little, too. We both loved every sexy, intimate minute of it.

Finally, at nine p.m., we watched part of a movie and ate Chinese takeout, and he convinced me (which didn't take much convincing—haha) to let him spend the night again. We tried to be good and go to bed at ten p.m. on a work night, but we didn't fall asleep until well past midnight, blissed out and wrapped in each other's arms.

"Okay, well, have a great day at work," he says as he pulls up in front of my office building. "Um... what about that guy...Bryce. I mean, 'cause he works with you, right?"

Oh Yeah. Shit. I'd actually been trying not to think about seeing him today. 

"I'll tell him about us."

"Okay..." he agrees tentatively.

"Are you heading to work after this?" 

"Yeah, I'm gonna go back to my house, get changed, and then head back out. I just have a few jobs on Monday."

"You don't work landscaping jobs out of this car, right?"

He scoffs. "No way! Course not. This is my baby," he says, rubbing the leather steering wheel. "She just comes out on the weekends. I have a truck, too—when can I see you again?" he asks in a rush.

My heart flutters happily at his enthusiasm, but my brain puts on the brakes. This is exactly what I knew would happen if we got back together. We'd just immediately pick up where we left off. We'll want to be together constantly now—zero to sixty in three seconds. So much has happened in the last thirty-six hours I need a day or two to process everything.

I hesitate, not knowing the best way to answer him. "Soon... I'll text you tonight."

His smile fades, but he nods. "Okay." 

"I should get to work. It's almost nine..." I pause, reluctant to leave him. "Love you," I say, and I'm surprised by how easily those words fall from my lips and how much I mean it.

He shakes his head. "It's going to take some time to get used to you saying that to me again." He leans over and kisses me ardently before adding, "I love you too, babe. See you later."

I wave to him as he drives off, and I'm a little sad to watch him go. As I ride up the elevator, I try to get my head into work mode. I have a feeling it's going to be very hard to concentrate today. On my way into the office, Gemma flashes an in-genuine smile at me from behind the reception desk and says good morning, off-key.

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