Chapter 2 - Never Have I... or Have I Ever?

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Lila: EDA!

Eda: Lila!

Eda, now wearing a blue suit, hugs her friend as she arrived at the restaurant.

Lila: Damn Eda, you making a fashion statement?

Eda: Does is look THAT bad on me?

Lila: Nah... I think it... SUITS you.

Eda and Lila laugh at the pun. Lila leads Eda to a table with her other friends.

Eda: Rilee. Ari.

Rilee: Eda.

Ari: Hello.

Eda sits down with her friends.

Eda: So... how y'all?

Ari: All great.

Rilee: Yeah.

Lila: Where's your dad, Eda?

Eda: Hmmm?

Lila: Thought your dad was gonna bring you tonight.

Eda: Oh... he had to finish some shit up.

Eda looks around.

Eda: Where are all yours? They coming?

Ari: Yes yes. Mine's on his way.

Rilee: Mine said he couldn't make it.

Eda: Huh.

Eda looks at Lila who seems to be having a small headache.

Eda: Hey, you good?

Lila: Yeah, I'm good it's just... my head it's...

Ari: Stingy?

Lila: Yeah.

Rilee: Yeah, I've been feeling like that too.

Eda: You sure y'all not just short on sleep?

Lila: Nah, I'm just probably losing my mind. I'm being more forgetful these days. I can't remember some days... it's as though I never had some days... and I don't recall doing some tasks.

Eda: Like what?

Lila: Like... my homework... I remember them being undone... but when I wake up, it's all done... and sometimes I sleep on Friday... wake up on Monday!

Eda chuckles.

Eda: Lila, you're just losing your marbles... right gals?

Eda turns to Rilee and Ari, who do not back her up. Something is up. Before Eda can talk however, some men in suits and fedoras walk in.

Man 1: Where are they?

They turn to the girls. One of them points at Eda.

Man 2: That's Clement daughter right? What are they-

Man 1: They didn't say to meet here.

Man 2: No, we're in the right place... right?

Man 1: No... we're... not!

The man takes out a card. They look at it.

Man 2: Blimey.

They tip their hats at the girls.

Man 1: Ma'am's.

Eda watches as they walk away.

Ari: Geez, what was that all about.

Rilee: Not gonna lie, they seemed kinda familiar...

Ari: But they recognized Eda... what was that about?

Eda still hasn't taken her eyes off the men.

Lila: Hey... is everything alright?

Eda turns to Lila and stands up.

Eda: Yeah, I just... gotta go to the bathroom really quick. Be right back.

Before Lila could protest, Eda walks away, leaving her friends behind.

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