Chapter 6: Unwrapping of Secrets

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Harlan and Eda drove up to Lila's home the next day. Eda starred at the house, wondering what could be inside. She's been to this house multiple times in her life, yet this time it seemed familiar but also unfamiliar to her.

Eda turned to Harlan as soon as she heard a cocking noise.

Eda: What was that?

Harlan turned to face her.

Harlan: That was me... loading my gun.

Eda: NO! No no no no no. No guns.

Harlan: Why not?

Eda: Because we're at a house... a peaceful civilized house. We're not breaking into Marlon Brando's mafia home.

Harlan: Alright. So, as we discussed, we go in together, grab the man, get out, then interrogate him.

Eda: Yeah. You might have mentioned that plan.

Harlan: You... will stay in the car and not do anything, okay?

Eda: Yeah about that... I got a better idea.

Harlan (sighing): Damn it.

Eda: I'm thinking... you wait here... while I go in there and talk to them?

Harlan: What's talking to them gonna do?

Eda: Because they know ME? Maybe because I've had a personal connection to them since my childhood and when they see me they won't think that I'm gonna shoot their brains off? And maybe you end up shooting the brains of some innocent guy.

Harlan nods in annoyance.

Harlan: Son of a bitch. Alright. But take this.

Harlan takes an earpiece and gives it to Eda.

Harlan: I'll hear everything you say, and everything you hear. Okay?

Eda puts on the earpiece.

Harlan: Now go.

Eda nods and steps out the car door.


Lila is in her room, doing her homework, when she puts her hand on her head, feeling a pain in her head. Suddenly, Lila hears the doorbell ring. As soon as she did, she rushed down the stairs and to the door. She looked through the eyehole and saw Eda outside. Lila unlocked the doors and opened the doors. As soon as the doors opened, the two friends greeted each other.

Eda: Lila!

Lila: Eda!

The two friends hug.

Lila: Kanka, nasılsın?

Eda: İyiyim, sen?

Lila is about to respond, when she once again feels the pain in her head. Lila falls to the ground and Eda kneels down to catch her.

Eda: Hey... you alright?

Lila tries to speak but she cannot. Eda helps Lila up and brings her in the house.


Lila: These headaches started a few weeks ago. I honestly don't know why.

Eda is making tea for Lila and herself. Once she is done, she brings the tea to Lila.

Lila: Thanks.

Eda: Do you have any idea what might have caused it?

Lila laughs.

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