Chapter 23: As I Was

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Harlan sat in the dark room. From where he was, the only lights were from the lights outside, and the only noises were from the people outside celebrating the season.

Harlan sat there, alone with his thoughts. Gun in his hand. Waiting.

He waited and waited until finally, footsteps. Harlan sat up as he heard doors unlocking. Finally, a man opened the door and turned on the lights.

Shaun Evans.

Shaun entered, laughing as he took off his coat and hung it. But as soon as he turned, his face turned from bright to scared as Harlan pulled out his gun and aimed it at him. Suddenly, a woman also walked in.

Woman: Oh come on, just tell me what you got for me alrea-

The woman sees Harlan.

Harlan: Sit down. NOW!

Harlan points at the sofa at the wall. Shaun slowly walks to the sofa with the woman. Harlan looks at Shaun.

Harlan: You know who I am?

Shaun nods yes.

Harlan: You understand why I'm here?

Shaun pauses before nodding yes.


Harlan turns to see the woman crying.

Harlan: What is your name, ma'am?

Woman: Addie.

Harlan: Shaun, tell Addie to leave.

Shaun: No.

Harlan: Tell her to leave.

Shaun: WHY?


Harlan pauses, then turns to Addie.

Harlan: But mostly because he loves you. And if he really loves you, then he knows that you don't deserve to be part of this.

Shaun nods then turns at Addie. The two talk for a short while before Addie kisses Shaun and walks out the room, leaving the two men alone.

Shaun: Go on... do what you have to do.

Harlan loads the gun and aims it at Shaun as he prepares to pull the trigger.


Eda: Well... how'd it go?

Harlan walked out of the building, and to the snowy night. Gun in his hand. Eda changes her tone.

Eda: Are you alright?

Harlan hands her the gun magazine. Eda counts the bullets.

Eda: It's full.

Harlan nods. Eda looks up the window to see Shaun and Addie hugging, both crying. Eda turns back to Harlan.

Harlan: I couldn't. I saw the way she looked at her and... I couldn't.

Eda looks at Harlan, nods, then smiles.

Harlan: Thank you.

Eda: Don't just thank me. Your friend Lushton also helped you know.

Harlan chuckled.

Eda: C'mon, we got one last place.

Eda hands Harlan back the magazine. Harlan takes the bullets out of the magazine, and drops them on the snowy ground. He looks at them one last time before he walks away.

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