Chapter 21: The Gift of Closure

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Vero: Tell me what happened.

Vero grabs Harlan again and makes him face her.

Harlan: Audrey was assigned to help me... in a mission in Korea.

Vero: I know.

Harlan: What did they tell you?

Vero: That you killed her... because she was close to saving people. To saving the world.

Harlan chuckles and coughs out some blood.

Harlan: Killing her is not gonna bring her back.

Vero: I don't care. You took everything from me.

Harlan watches as Vero gets a small device from her belt, which transforms into a baton. She then hits Harlan with it, and as Harlan falls, he hits her over and over again. Vero doesn't stop, and she doesn't want to. Not until she has made him suffer.

Suffer enough for her.

Now that she's had enough, Vero drops the baton and grabs her gun. She aims it at Harlan, but she couldn't. She can't pull the trigger.

Harlan slowly pushes himself up to face Vero.

Vero: You didn't do it... did you?

Harlan nods no.

Harlan: She did it herself.

Vero fights back the tears.

Vero: Why?

Harlan couldn't answer her.

Vero: Why did you take the blame then?

Harlan: I didn't know Audrey. I wasn't with her long enough for me to pretend to know her. But the one thing I know for sure... is that you, Veronica Comer, you were the love of her life.

Vero starts crying. Harlan looks down.

Vero: I won't understand what really went down. Why it went that way... but I know Audrey. And I know she cared for you.

Harlan smiles.

Harlan: She did... she did.

Vero: I miss her.

Harlan nods, before looking up at Vero.

Harlan: Me too.

Vero lets it all out, and so does Harlan.

Harlan: I'm sorry.

Harlan looks down again. Vero looks at her gun, then at Harlan. Harlan closes his eyes, preparing himself. But a gentle tap hits him.

Harlan opens his eyes to see Vero's gun to the floor, and Vero offering her hand. Harlan takes it, and Vero helps him up.

Harlan: I'm sorry.

Vero: I forgive you... and I know she does too.

Harlan nods and Veronica walks away. Harlan stands as he hears engines coming.


Harlan looks around, looking for any traces of Hannah, but no. She's nowhere to be seen. As Harlan looks around, he notices something. Rocks moving.

Harlan slowly approaches it, to see something from beneath all the rubble pushing the rocks up. Harlan gets the rocks out of the way to see a bunker door locked. Harlan quickly unlocks the door and opens it and immediately hugs Eda as soon as he sees her.

Harlan: EDA!

Eda hugs Harlan back.

Eda: Hey... you're alive.

Harlan: You can talk.

Eda tries to break the hug but Harlan doesn't. He hides his tearful face from her in the hug. Eda tries one more time, before deciding to just take it, and she hugs Harlan back.

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