Chapter 13: Secret Santa

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Harlan crossed the street. Once he crossed, he looked behind him to see if he was being followed.

No one.

Weird, Harlan thought. He expected someone to be following him. He looked up to look at the club's sign. Green Dagger. Harlan walked in.

Green and purple lights blasted throughout the room. Harlan looked around at the people drinking, dancing... and drinking and dancing. Harlan looked around until he found the person he was looking for. A girl in a green suit, seated by the bar. Harlan walked to the bar and sat beside the girl.

Harlan: Vodka martini please.

The bartender made Harlan's drink. Harlan took a drink before speaking to the girl in green.

Green Woman: Weren't you just a rookie agent?

Harlan: Weren't you just a little twelve year old girl, Char?

Charisse Lushton laughed.

Lushton: Don't call me Char.

Harlan: You got my message?

Lushton: You do know that you still are a rogue agent? That agents have the area surrounded... and they expect me to cuff you up right now?

Harlan: I'd be disappointed if not.

Lushton: Tell me, Harlan, why do you do this?

Harlan: I got a job to do.

Lushton: No. Is it revenge? Guilt? Are you trying to prove something?

Harlan looks at Lushton, then at the people in the bar. He then twists the crown of his watch. The watch then glows neon-green. The earpiece in Lushton's ear glows red, deactivating. She takes it off.

Harlan: Alright, how much time do I have.

Lushton: Thirty seconds before they floor the whole place. Listen to me.

Lushton slips a USB on the table.

Lushton: I did what I could do with what you gave me. I was able to track the location.

Harlan: Where?

Lushton: Somewhere in Korea. South Korea of course.

Harlan: Anything else?

Lushton: I dunno. It's not like I got a car at the back and a plane ready for you.

Harlan smiles. Lushton slips some keys.

Lushton: Aston Martin. Everything is in the drive.

Lushton side winks at Harlan.

Harlan: Char, I love you.

Lushton: Don't call me Char.

Harlan leaves some cash on the table.

Lushton: Backdoor. Ten seconds.

Harlan: Thank you.

Lushton: Harlan?

Harlan: Yea?

Char takes a sip from her drink.

Lushton: Move your ass.

Harlan runs off and Char takes a drink as he leaves.

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