Chapter 14: The Sins of My Past

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Eda walks into the plane to see a standard T.H.E.P.A. plane. A holo-table in the middle, a minibar by the side, some comfy chairs and some mini-dorms. Eda looks at the interior, marveling at what she sees.

Eda: Tell your friend I love her.

Harlan laughs as he comes from the minibar, with a glass of whiskey, and walks to the holo-table as the plane takes off.

Harlan: You alright?

Eda: Yeah.

Harlan: So... shall I reveal to you Project Eternity?

Eda nods yes, Harlan calls her to the holo-table and he puts the USB on the table. The table scans the USB and shows holograms of documents, photos, and everything inside the USB.

Harlan: Based on the files here, Project Eternity was a project by SERPENT involving... this.

Harlan takes out a vial containing the green chemical.

Harlan: You guessed this was a mind control serum right?

Eda: Yeah.

Harlan: Well... based on the files, you were right. Green ones brainwash, blue ones are the antidote.

Eda: So... what gave them to idea to make... that.

Harlan: SERPENT has been running for a VERY long time. Comes to no surprise that there would be agents who defected such as...

Harlan pauses... before showing two photos. One of a man, the other, his daughter.

Harlan: Jasper and Jasmine Olsen.

Eda looks at the photo of the woman... she's seen her somewhere. She remembers. She was in a framed photo in Harlan's hideout. Whoever she was... she be someone important.

Important to him.

Eda: So... what do they want to do with it... aside form the obvious being mind control people?

Harlan: It's not just people they want to mind control, it's their own agents. SERPENT agents are highly trained and skilled. Think about how much damage they can do on SERPENT if they have a change of heart.

Eda nods looks back at the photo of Jasmine.

Eda: And who's she?

Eda points at the picture of Jas. Harlan turns to face her... but he doesn't respond immediately. Eda notices that this is a sensitive topic for him.

Harlan: She's... she's not that important. Go get some rest Eda, we got a long trip.

Eda watches as Harlan walks to the minibar. She considers following him and asking him again, but something tells Eda not to. She takes one last look at the photo of Jasmine before leaving. As Eda leaves, Harlan looks at the corner of his eye, heartbroken as part of him hoped that she would stay.

But she didn't.

Eda went in one of the mini-dorms and shut the door. She sat on her bed and looked out the window. She then lies on her bed... and as she closes her eyes, Eda falls asleep.


Turbulence. Eda is shaken awake. Eda looks out the window to see what was a bright blue sky, now a dark black night sky. Eda stands up and walks out.

As Eda walks out, she sees that the holo-table has changed displays, and Harlan is standing in front of it, drinking a glass of scotch. Eda approaches him. Harlan turns as Eda approaches him.

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