Chapter 24: As I Always Will

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Eda walks, followed by Harlan, who is carrying a bouquet of roses, and a paper bag. The two reach a building. Eda turns to Harlan.

Harlan: I mean, do we really need to do this?

Eda: Don't worry. It'll be fine. I'll be here, waiting.

Harlan smiles. Eda gives him a pat on the shoulder and Eda watches as Harlan walks in the building.


Harlan didn't know what was going on. It was one of those moments when everything just blurs out. Harlan couldn't remember or think about anything. His body was moving by itself, as if it was on autopilot.

Harlan walked up eleven floors up the stairs, past the many doors until he found the twenty-third room. Harlan stopped as he saw a familiar sign by the door.

Floor 11 Room 23

Doctor Jasmine Leigh Olsen


Harlan took a deep breath, and opened the door.

Harlan walks in the familiar waiting room. He looks around, not much has changed he thought. Harlan walks to the nurse.

Harlan: Hey um, is Doctor Olsen still here?

Nurse: She's just packing up inside. Feel free to go in.

Harlan: Thank you!

Harlan walks past the nurse, and towards the door to Jas' clinic. Harlan takes a deep breath and gently slides the door open.

Harlan looks around, he sees Buddy at the corner sleeping. His eyes then locked at a familiar figure with her back turned on him.


Harlan watches Jas as she talks on the phone. Harlan takes more deep breaths. This is the moment. Harlan prepares to call Jas by her name, when he hears a laugh.

Jas' laugh echoed in Harlan's ear. There was something about this laugh. Something about it indeed. The laugh he hadn't heard in eight months brought warmth and comfort to his heart.

But it also brought pain.

Harlan could only hear Jas' laugh. Jas laughing happily. It occured to Harlan that she was happy. Happier than he last saw her. Maybe even happier than when he was with her. He felt a dagger pierce through his heart as he has come to accept one brutal truth.

Maybe she was better off without him.

Harlan took one last look at Jas. The woman of his dreams, the love of his life, the Vesper to his Bond. He took one last look at her before silently walking away.


Jasmine: No no no I have no plans on Sunday.


Jasmine: Yeah yeah I'm sure.


Jasmine: Great! See you there then I guess.

Jas ends the call, then slumps back in her chair. She groans exhaustedly. She takes a time to collect her thoughts as the nurse walks in.

Nurse: Hey Doc, I'm gonna go now if that's alright with you.

Jasmine: Yeah yeah yeah sure.

Jasmine smiles at the Nurse sadly. The Nurse walks away.

Jas stands up and walks to the window to watch the snowy night. She remembers past memories that bring her many emotions. Happiness, sadness, regret, nostalgia.

As Jas takes one last look at the window, she does a double take. She sees a man walk by. A man in a dark suit. He looked so familiar that Jas knew there was no mistaking him for someone else. Harlan.

Jas dropped everything and ran out the clinic. She ran past the many doors, down the flight of stairs, down the lobby and out to the snow to find... no one.

Jas looked around, devastated as she was all alone.


Eda: I don't get it. Why didn't you do it? She was right there?

Harlan and Eda watch at a distance as Jas looks around, hoping to find Harlan.

Harlan: I just couldn't do it. I just know that things will be better without me.

Harlan watches as Jas sees something. Jas walks a few steps forward, then crouches. Jas picks up a gold chain and something round attached to it.

Eda: Is that-

Harlan: Yes.

Harlan lifts his coat to reveal something gone, Jas' pocket watch.

Harlan: You see Eda, people come and go. Enemies, friends, even families. Eventually one day, we will lose everyone we ever loved.

Eda: I know. And it sucks.

Harlan: True. But that doesn't mean that we have to forget them. Even though they are gone, the people we love will always be with us. Always.

Harlan smiles as he reflects on Clair, May and Audrey and silently thanks them for everything that they were to him.

Harlan: Come on, we got a world to save.

Eda smiles and walks with Harlan. After a few steps, Harlan stops. And out of nothing but pure instinct, he turns around. At that exact moment, Jasmine looked from the paper in the pocket watch, to Harlan's direction. After eight long months, the two see each other again.

Harlan and Jas just stare at each other, none of them able to move. Harlan and Jas can clearly read the other and see their true hidden emotions. Jas waves at Harlan and Harlan nods back at her, and the two shared one last smile.


Harlan shut the door to his car, Eda right beside him.

Harlan: You ready?

Eda smiles.

Eda: Brave new world, here I come. Just... one thing. You never told me your full name.

Harlan smiles as he steps on the gas.

Harlan: The name's Brandle. Harlan Brandle.

The End

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