Chapter 17: Family Reunions

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Tick tock. Tick tock. Tick tock.

The clock in Chase's office ticks harder and harder. Robbie pushes Harlan inside Delvey's office and Thena drags Eda behind her, their backpacks in her other hand. Chase takes a seat on her chair and looks at two empty chairs in front of them.

Chase: A seat? Both of you?

Chase looks at Harlan then at Eda, none of them move.

Chase: Alright...

Robbie walks over to Chase and hands her Harlan's weapons. Thena leaves the backpacks beside Chase.

Chase: Thank you Mister and Misses Baker.

Harlan chokes.

Harlan: I'm sorry... Misses Baker?

Chase: You do remember Miss Montgomery don't yo-

Harlan: Yeah just... can't wrap my head around the fact that she would marry someone so...

Robbie moves at Harlan but Thena stops him.

Chase: Okay look, I'd love to be here all day but... I got shit to do alright? This is how the easy way will go: you will give me what we need, then we will just lock you both up in a cell for you two to rot. So... anyone?

Chase looks at Harlan, then at Eda. None of them flinch.

Chase: Alright, the fun way it is then. BRING HIM IN!

Robbie smiles, and the door opens. Harlan and Eda turn back to see Robbie drag in a gagged and tied up Cletus.

Eda: DAD!

Cletus tries to say something to Eda, but he can't. Thena takes out a gun and aims it at Cletus.

Chase: Shoot him on five. One.

Eda: Wait!

Chase: Two.

Eda turns to Harlan.

Eda: Harlan.

Chase: Three.

Eda: Harlan, please.

Chase: FOUR!


Chase: FIV-

Harlan: WAIT!

Chase signals Thena to wait. Harlan raises his hand, unstraps his watch, and gets it. Chase watches as Harlan reveals, hidden under the watch, a SD card. Chase stands up and walks to Harlan, she takes the memory card and walks back to her seat, and signals Thena to stand down.

Chase: I assumed you took a look.

Harlan: A nice long one.

Chase: What did you think?

Harlan: You would make one hell of a Bond villain.

Chase: And you would have made one hell of a Bond.

Harlan snickers.

Harlan: Yeah, but like every Bond villain, there's one thing I don't get. WHY control your agents?

Chase looks at Harlan, then away, and she sighs.



Harlan turns to Cletus, and he sees blood flowing out of Cletus' body and Cletus dropping dead to the floor. He turns back to Chase to see a gun in her hand.

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