Chapter 22: Who I Want to Be

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Director Forster: So... Harlan.

Director Forster approaches the medical van, Harlan and Eda both with blankets on them. Harlan's arms and wounds have been tended to.

Harlan: Director Forster, meet Eda.

Eda: Hi.

Eda and Forster shake hands.

Harlan: Any sign of her?

Director Forster: No. No sign of your sister.

Harlan nods.

Harlan: She'll turn up again... eventually.

Director Forster: We'll see. In the meantime, now that this is all over, do be pleased to know that you are no longer rogue. You have been reinstated at your old position and ready for work when you are.

Harlan: Thanks sir. It's just...

Director Forster looks at Harlan.

Harlan: I think I need a break.

Forster nods.

Director Forster: It's understandable. Enjoy the holidays, Harlan.

Forster walks away.

Eda: You alright?

Harlan: Yeah, why wouldn't I be?

Eda: Hannah.

Harlan looks at Eda.

Harlan: She can wait, she's a problem for another time. Look Eda, I want to thank you.

Eda sits up.

Eda: What for?

Harlan: For sticking with me, through all this.

Eda smiles.

Eda: Everyone deserves a second chance. And nobody deserves to go through shit like this alone.

Harlan and Eda smile.

Eda: I think I do.

Harlan: You what?

Eda: I know who I am... or who I want to be.

Eda gives Harlan a look, and he understands it. Harlan laughs.

Harlan: Eda, this life isn't easy. And you can't do it alone. You will need someone literally to guide you through this.

Eda: I know.

Harlan: I don't even know if there's anyone good enough to mentor you for all this.

Eda laughs.

Eda: I think he'd be fine.

Eda smiles at Harlan. Harlan smiles back.

Harlan: You sure?

Eda: Definitely.

Harlan offers his hand. Eda looks at it then shakes it.

Harlan: I look forward to working with you soon, Eda Clement.

Eda: Likewise, Harlan.

Harlan and Eda laugh. As they laugh, snow starts to fall. Harlan looks up at the sky and so does Eda.

Harlan: It's the Holidays, huh?

Eda: Yeah. Got somewhere you're supposed to be?

Harlan thinks about it, the thought hurts him.

Harlan: No. Do you?

Eda looks down at Harlan's hands, and she sees him fidgeting with his pocket watch. She smiles.

Eda: No... but I know where you should be.

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